Chapter 28

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Ozzo and Naomi walked with Lucifer to his room to ensure he didn’t pass out on the way there. Once they were certain Lucifer was as fine as he could be, Naomi followed Ozzo through the corridors.

“I feel like drawing,” said Naomi as they walked. She frowned as she realised she had none of her drawing things. “But… I don’t have my notebooks or pens and pencils or any of my art stuff.”
“Once we get to the drawing room, you can wait there and I’ll fetch your things. Or, well, some of them, if you’d like.”
Naomi smiled and nodded. “That… that would be really nice, thank you.”
Ozzo nodded. “It’s nothing. Seriously. Please don’t tell any of the other demons I did that.”
“I don’t really talk to any other demons,” Naomi pointed out.
“That’s a good point really.” Ozzo and Naomi smiled at each other for a moment before looking ahead to where they were walking.

They reached the drawing room and Naomi sat down.
“Wait,” she said before Ozzo disappeared. “Could you bring my phone charger and Bun, my teddy rabbit too.” She was mildly scared that Ozzo would think she was silly for wanting her plushie rabbit but Ozzo just nodded.
“Thank you.”
“Yet again, it’s not a problem.”

Ozzo vanished and Naomi lay down, resting a cushion on the arm of the chair so she could rest her head a bit more comfortably. Just when she thought Ozzo was taking a long time, she remembered that time in Hell passed differently.

And then Ozzo appeared with their arms full of pencils and pencils and notebooks. They set them down gently on the sofa and smiled.

“Is that enough?” they asked. Naomi sat up stared at what was pretty much all of her art stuff.
“Yes,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper as she shuffled over to all of the stuff. Ozzo then pulled her charger and Bun the rabbit from the giant pocket on the front of her hoodie.
Naomi smiled even wider than she already was smiling. “Thank you so much, I could hug you.” Ozzo just smiled back and nodded. “And I know, not a word to anyone.”
“Ed is not going to let me forget this but he’ll find out.”
“And he’s not a demon.”
“That’s another good point,” said Ozzo.

Naomi sat next to her art supplies and notebooks and started sorting them out. Ozzo helped with a few directions from Naomi on how she was sorting them. All of the gel pens were in one pencil case, all of the fineliners in another, pens and pencils in another The colouring pencils were already in their own box and then the notebooks were piled up. She looked through all five of them, most of them only had a few drawings in. She had a bad habit of gets more notebooks than she needed but in her defence, they were really nice notebooks. Picking one out and picking up her favourite pencil, she started drawing.

Half way through the drawing, she got bored and flipped to a blank page. She drew a noughts and crosses grid, drew a cross in the top left hand corner of the grid and then passed the book to Ozzo. She remembered sneakily playing noughts and crosses in maths with Ryan and Naomi felt a twinge of sadness. Ozzo picked up a black rollerball pen and drew a circle in the bottom left corner before handing it back. Before long, Naomi forgot her sadness as they started a mini competition between the two.

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