Chapter 23

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Naomi followed Lucifer through the hallways, curious as to where they were going. They reached his office and Lucifer shut the doors with a snap of his fingers.
“So… where are we going?” she asked.
“Just trust me, I think you’ll like it,” he said, smiling.
“Alright…” she said slowly.

With another snap of his fingers, they were out of Hell and in an alley. Lucifer lead the way out onto a side street and then onto a high street. The street was lined with cafes and typical high street shops but they looked as though they were all in old buildings. The place was rather charming. Spotting a book shop, Naomi made a mental note to ask if they could go in there later.

“You know,” said Lucifer as he walked down the street. He looked as though he was just wandering around but Naomi had the feeling he knew where he was going. “As much as I dislike humanity in general, some of their architecture is stunning.”
“I guess?” said Naomi, confused. She had the feeling that had to do with where they were going. “Some places do look pretty nice.”
“I like the Victorian Gothic styled things,” he said as they turned a corner. They were greeted by the sight of a building of that style.

“Is that a church?” she asked as they walked closer. It seemed a little odd for him to bring her here. She thought he supported her choice in not following God’s orders. Unless he genuinely just liked the place for the architecture which was also odd.
Lucifer shook his head. “No. It’s an abbey. Bath Abbey, to be exact.”

They headed inside, Lucifer gave the church a donation and he was handed a leaflet. Naomi could see why he liked the place as they walked in. The fan vaulted ceiling was high above them and chandeliers hung down. Smiling, Naomi wandered around and lighted a candle for people who had lost someone.

“There’s Roman baths too,” said Lucifer. Naomi jumped and turned to see him standing over her shoulder. “Sorry.”
“Right, uh, that’s kinda cool. Can we go there too?” she asked as her eyes lingered on a giant organ.
“If you’d like,” said Lucifer.
“There’s also a book shop I want to go in as well, if you don’t mind.” She hoped he wouldn’t mind.
“Of course not.” He was staring at something. Naomi followed his gaze to the stained glass windows. The church where he had broken through had stained glass windows as well. Which reminded her…

“How are you here?” she asked, spinning to face him. He looked away from the colourful windows and smiled.
“I was wondering how long it would take you to ask that,” he said. “The answer is magic. Not angel stuff, witch stuff. The same witch stuff I used to come here and deal with Azazel. It’s an odd sort of projection. It functions as if I’ve left Hell but um, in reality, I’m still in my office.”

“Witch magic?” repeated Naomi. Firstly, Lucifer confirming that witches existed raised enough questions for one day but then he said he’s still technically in his office? “How?”
“I’m not entirely sure myself, I’m not a witch,” said Lucifer. “But it’s based on how angels create illusions. Except no one but me is needed. Also fuel, it does drain my energy but I should be fine. Might not wake up as early tomorrow though.”
“You didn’t have to,” said Naomi. She didn’t understand why he would exhaust himself just to take her somewhere. “You really didn’t.”
“I wanted to,” he said. “I don’t want to hear you telling me not to, come on, there’s a gift shop.”

Naomi stood in the abbey completely bemused at Lucifer’s actions. Realising he was heading towards the gift shop, she quickly followed, hoping she would be able to find something that wasn’t too religious for her to buy. Although, she was tempted to by Ed and Ozzo some socks with religious messages on them.

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