Chapter 48

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The three of them ended up playing board games all day with breaks in between games. It was a lot more fun tha last time now it was a lot less obvious that Michael was trying to let Abigail win. Abigail also knew how to play most of the games and wasn’t really upset when she didn’t win.

While Abigail was picking the next game, michael and Naomi stood in the kitchen, waiting for food to cook.
“She doesn’t have her wings,” Michael said suddenly. Naomi furrowed her brow. “It’s been two months, usually it doesn’t take that long.”

“Mine took longer than that, didn’t it?” said Naomi. She didn’t understand why he was bringing it up.
“Yes but that was because of…” Michael trailed off.
Naomi sighed. “Because I had telekinesis like Lucifer.” Michael said nothing. “Yeah, I get it. Does she even know about the whole wings thing?”
Michael nodded. “Yes but… I’m not pushing her to get them like you. You just ended up getting upset and I didn’t want to make that mistake again.”

“Maybe just tell her to be nice to people? I don’t know,” said Naomi with a shrug. Michael seemed uncertain though. “Is it because she’s supposed to be like Raphael and Gabriel?”
“Yes,” he said honestly. “Raphael was… particularly difficult to raise and they still are particularly difficult.”

“I’ve never met them,” said Naomi with a shrug. She had no idea what Raphael was truly like, only that they were arrogant and didn’t want to help put Lucifer back in Hell with the others. “But she’s supposed to be like Gabriel too, right?”
“Yes, Gabriel was kinder for sure but… but it doesn’t mean she’ll turn out like them.” Michael looked at her for a brief moment. He seemed nervous. “Just like you won’t necessarily turn out like me or Lucifer. I think that if I had never hid things from you, this would be very different.”

It was quiet for a moment and Naomi just watched as Michael took the food out of the oven and Naomi grabbed plates and cutlery for the three of them.
“Too late for regrets, just don’t make the same mistakes again,” said Naomi as she set the plates down on the counter and put a knife and fork next to each of them. There was no changing the past for them now.
“I’m trying not too,” he said. “But you and Abigail really are different, it’s so much more difficult.”

Michael set the food out on plates and they could hear Abigail’s footsteps on the stairs.
“Does she know she has to be kind and not for selfish reasons?” asked Naomi. Tat had been what she had been doing wrong.
“I think she knows,” said Michael. “I think… I think maybe hearing all of our arguing hasn’t helped.” Naomi hummed and she realised Michael had probably tried to fix their relationship for Abigail too since she had overheard all of the arguing and lived in the house too.

“I picked Uno,” said Abigail as she held up the box to show them in the doorway. Naomi smiled as she thought of the Uno reverse memes that people had been doing in school.
“Great,” said Michael with a smile. “We’ll play once we’ve finished dinner.” Michael asked Naomi to give Abi her plate and she did so since Abigail was currently clutching Uno in her hands.

Maybe this wasn’t so bad after all.

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