Chapter 39

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“What are you doing here?” he asked, furrowing his brow.
“I just wanted to talk,” said Naomi with a small shrug. Naomi watched as Michael took a step back and opened the door for her. Naomi took a step in and it felt weird. For her, it had been around a week, while it had only been half a week for Michael.

Abigail was stood at the top of the stairs when Naomi walked in and she turned around and disappeared around the corner upstairs. Naomi headed into the living room and Michael shut the door behind him.
“Do you… want a drink or anything?” he offered. Naomi sat down in the armchair.
“No, I’m good, thanks,” she said quietly Michael nodded and sat down on the sofa.

“I suppose I should apologise first,” he said softly. “I shouldn’t have treated you in the way I did, I shouldn’t have come to Hell and done all of that.”
Naomi nodded. “I’m sorry for overreacting to things as well. You were trying your best.”
“No,” said Michael as he shook his head. “No, I wasn’t. I knew what could have happened, I knew and I still ignored you and I shouldn’t have done that.”

Naomi wasn’t sure what to say or if Michael was going to carry on apologising. She pulled at the sleeves of her blazer out of nervousness.
“What did you want to talk about? I heard most of what you said when you were in Hell but…”
“Well, you heard all I was going to say in front of Lucifer,” said Michael.
Naomi tilted her head a little, that was a weird way of putting it. “What would you have said if Lucifer wasn’t there?”
“I think you’re going to replace Lucifer in Hell.”

Naomi stared at him for a moment. Why would he think that?
“What?” she whispered. “I don’t… think I understand.”
“I think you and Abigail and whoever your next to siblings are, I think you’ll replace the original archangels. And since you’re replacing me and Lucifer, I think you’ll be put in charge of Hell when he’s gone.”

“Where is this all coming from?” she asked, furrowing her brow. SHe pushed her hair out of her eyes as she looked down at her hands. She would have no chance at ruling Hell. She could barely make her own decisions, she panicked and regretted most of her recent ones, like arguing with Michael.
“I just… It’s a feeling,” he said. “And… and I talked to a Prophet, they’ve seen you having two other siblings, other than Abigail. And they’ve seen them with two powers but she wouldn’t tell me what, she wouldn’t tell me anymore than that. I don’t think she knew any more than that.”

“A Prophet?” repeated Naomi with wide eyes. Michael had spoken to a Prophet over it. Michael nodded. “I didn’t realise you… You really think that’s what’s going to happen?”
“Maybe not exactly but something similar,” he said. Michael shrugged. “It might be a long way away but it’s starting now.”
“Right…” said Naomi. Slowly, she stood up. “You know, I should probably get going.”
Michael hummed and nodded.

Naomi also nodded as she headed to the door, she hadn’t even taken her backpack off.
“You know,” said Michael as he followed her to the door. “I didn’t mean pretty much all of what I said when we argued. I just… I didn’t know how to apologise then, I was too busy trying to stop Abigail from… from being like you, I guess. From being a fallen angel. That was stupid of me too. If Abigail falls, I won’t be disappointed in her.”

“Were you disappointed in me?” she asked as she opened the door. The cold air hit her and she shivered.
“At first,” he admitted. He then shook his head. “But that was stupid, a stupid first thought. That’s what I’ve been told to think for years but… not anymore. I’m not disappointed with you or ashamed of you. And… it probably doesn’t mean much but I truly am sorry.”

Naomi nodded as she stepped outside.
“You can come and visit, if you’d like,” said Michael with a small smile.
“I think I need some time,” said Naomi honestly. “See you soon.”

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