Chapter 42

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Naomi put her hands on her hips with pride as she looked at the many trays of baked goods on the dining table. The brownies had been done last so they were still warm. The cookies and fairy cakes had cooled down but Naomi was determined to at a few warm brownies.

“I didn’t realise we had baked that many cookies,” said Lucifer as he stared at the chairs.
“Me neither,” she said. Naomi laughed. “I guess you just lose track of things when you’re having fun, right?” She nudges Lucifer with her elbow and he tried and failed to hide his grin.
“I guess so,” he said. He chuckled. “And it was fun.” Naomi grinned, Lucifer had been rather reluctant at first.

He picked up one of the chocolate chip cookies and bit into it as Naomi took a bite of one of the warm brownies. They were delicious and the chocolate pieces in them were kind of gooey.
“These aren’t bad,” said Lucifer after finishing the bite of his cookie. “Ed and Ozzo better finish soon otherwise there might not be any left.”
Naomi covered her mouth as she laughed, not wanting crumbs to be spat everywhere. “Yeah, these are actually kind of good,” she said while nodding.
Lucifer nodded in agreement. “Yeah, they are. We should do this more often.”

Naomi looked at Lucifer and smiled. “Yeah, I’d like that,”  she said before taking another bite of her warm brownies. She needed to claim a few of these.
“Yeah,” said Lucifer as he looked down at his cookie. “I think that would be great.”

The doors were thrown open and in walked Edriel with his black frock coat and its fancy silver buttons.
“Aren’t you dramatic?” muttered Lucifer. Ed froze and the doors slammed shut behind him.
“That is a lot of baked goods,” he muttered as he immediately eyed the brownies. “Are they still warm.”
Naomi smiled and nodded as she finished her brownie. “Yeah, we cooked them last.” Edriel hummed as he picked them up.

Lucifer watched Edriel with a serious expression. His smile had faded away.
“Did you deal with the demons?” he asked.
Ed turned and nodded. “They’re all dealt with,” he said. Naomi furrowed her brow, confused on what they were talking about. She could figure that it was something they didn’t want to be specific about around her and that it was something serious.
“Good,” said Lucifer.

A cookie started hovering by him. He snatched it out of the air and bit into it while still watching Ed. Ed stared at him for a few seconds before laughed.
“I cannot take you seriously,” he said. Lucifer started grinning and just continued to eat his cookie.

“Oh, and, uh, Ozzo might be busy for most of the night,” said Ed. He looked a little annoyed Beelzebub had them running in circles with Lilith. It’s a whole back and forth thing. It sounds like a mess.”
“Oh, joy,” muttered Lucifer.
“I’m not exactly happy about it either,” muttered Ed. “But, we’re saving them cookies and cakes and brownies, got it? We’re not eating all of them.” Naomi nodded in agreement, she’d make sure Lucifer didn’t eat all of the baked goods they saved for Ozzo.

“Why don’t we set aside a tray for them?” suggested Naomia s she stared at the many trays of food they have in front of them. “Or like, a plate or something.”
Ed hummed. “Sounds good,” he said. He then looked at Lucifer and narrowed his eyes a bit. “As long as someone doesn’t mess with them.”
“Oh, I won’t,” said Lucifer as he laughed a little. “That demon can be very scary when you mess with their food.”
“How would you know?” asked Naomi a little hesitantly.
“I found out the hard way,” he said.

Naomi furrowed her brow and became instantly curious about what Lucifer did to be mildly scared of messing with Ozzo’s food.
“Dare I ask how?” she said slowly.
“Do you know those jelly beans that have stupid tastes like soap or whatever?” Lucifer said quietly. Naomi nodded and started giggling.
“Did you offer them some?” she asked. Lucifer didn’t reply for a while and Naomi picked up a fairy cake with pink icing on. Then, he gave a nod.
“Yes and I will never mess with their food again.”

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