Chapter 46

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Michael appeared by her a second later and she felt a spike in her nervousness. What was going to happen now? Would it be like before or will things have genuinely changed for the better.

“I’m glad you decided to give it a try,” said Michael as they walked through the cold streets. It was getting dark and the wind was cold. Naomi zipped up her jacket in an attempt to stay warm. Michael on the other hand didn’t seem to feel the cold and she realised he didn’t even have a coat. He was just walking around in the autumn with a short-sleeved t-shirt.

“Aren’t you cold?” she asked.
Michael shook his head. “Not really.”
“Oh,” said Naomi. She looked down at her feet as she walked. It felt a little awkward.

“Samiel told me that Edriel is in Hell now,” he said. It was an obvious attempt at conversation, maybe even more obvious that Naomi’s own attempt at it.
Naomi nodded. “Yeah, he is.”
“I’m guessing he’s the one who’s got you into wearing all the gothic clothing?”
“Not really,” she said honestly. “Ozzo was, I borrowed some of their clothes and I kinda like them.” It was more of a casual gothic style though, nothing like what she had seen Ed and Ozzo wearing at times.
“I can tell,” said Michael as he glanced over at her. He had seen the t-shirt she was wearing earlier with the skull on it. And she was mostly wearing black. “Ozzo as in Ozzorith the demon?”

It didn’t take them long to reach the house. Naomi was a little reluctant to follow Michael inside as it meant it was all serious. She’d be spending a few days with Michael and Abigail.
“I can call the school and say your sick tomorrow, if you’d like,” he offered as he shut the front door behind her. Naomi shrugged. “And Friday too so we can spend more time together.”
“Sure, I guess,” she said. She’d message Katie to tell her she wasn’t going to be in for the rest of the week tomorrow morning so that she wasn’t too worried. Her friend was already worried over Ianto so there wasn’t any point in worrying her any further. She did feel a little bad for lying to her though.

“Do you want anything to eat?” he asked. “Lucifer said you had just woken up.”
Naomi nodded, smiling a little as his glasses had steamed up. “Yeah, just some toast would be fine.” Michael nodded and disappeared into the kitchen. “I’ll just take my things upstairs.”
“Okay,” she heard him say from the kitchen.

Naomi headed upstairs and figured Abigail would be around somewhere. She was surprised to find her room hadn’t really been messed with, with the exception of some things missing because Ozzo had brought them to Hell. She set her bag down, she could sort her things out after she had eaten something.

As she left her room, Naomi spotted Abigail stared at her from the doorway of the bathroom.
“Hey,” said Naomi. She tried not to sound too cold or harsh.
“Hi,” said Abigail. “I missed you.” Naomi just nodded. She couldn’t bring herself to lie and say that she also missed Abigail because she didn’t really miss her, she had only missed how Michael had been.

“Want to sit by me downstairs?” asked Naomi. She figured that was better than trying to ignore her sister since Abi wasn’t going to go away any time soon. “We could watch Scooby Doo or something?”
Abigail grinned and enthusiastically nodded and stepped into the hallway properly. “That sounds good.”

Naomi headed downstairs with Abigail following behind her. Michael had just left the kitchen with a plate of toast. There were two pieces with the toast cut into triangles.
“I didn’t know how many pieces you wanted,” said Michael with a shrug as he offered the plate out to her.
Naomi sat in her usual seat instead of the armchair and balanced the plate on the arm of the chair. Abigail sat next to her after grabbing the tv remote. She switched the tv channel so Spongebob was on instead of Scooby Doo since it wasn’t on for another hour. Michael watched them with a smile before squishing into his seat so all three of them were sat on the sofa.

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