Chapter 26

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Lucifer’s words echoed through the corridors. Naomi froze. Abigail and Michael were here. Why were they here? To bring her back? She didn’t want to go back.

Naomi was hesitant to move out of fear that Michael would try to take her back. Except… Except the only way she was getting out of Hell was if Lucifer transported her out or if an angel teleported her out with them. From what Gabriel had said a while ago, there weren’t many angels who could teleport other angels.

“But dearest brother!” Lucifer was shouting now. “Can’t you see what the problem is? You are ignoring her and pushing her away isn’t going to help it. You’re making it worse, leave before it gets worse.”

“Oh, it’s worse,” muttered Naomi. Slowly, she made her way to where she thought the voices were coming from. She couldn’t quite find them and she’d lost track of Ozzo.

“You look tired.”
“So?” she heard Lucifer spat. They sounded less like echoes and she could hear Michael’s response now. “Hell itself is stressful. You being here is stressful, leave.”
“No, I need to talk with Naomi. I need to talk to her about her powers, about Abigail’s powers.”

Naomi tried to walk around quieter, in hopes that no one would notice her.

“You can tell me,” said Lucifer. He sounded irritated. “And I’ll tell her.”
“It’s more complicated than that.” And so did Michael.
“Then you’ll have to do it another time,” she heard Lucifer tell their older brother. “And you’ll have to leave.”
“I’m not leaving until I talk to her.” They both sounded very determined to have things go their way.

Naomi took a few steps and peers around the corner. Michael was stood with his back to her, Abigail was clutching his arm, clearly scared of the new place she had found herself in. From where she stood, she noticed Lucifer glancing over to her and she could only hope Michael hadn’t noticed Lucifer’s momentary shift in gaze. Ozzo was stood behind Lucifer, they looked tense, as if they were prepared to fight.

Thankfully, Michael hadn’t noticed Lucifer looking at Naomi. But Abigail had. Her younger sister turned, her blue eyes widened as she spotted Naomi.
“Michael, Naomi’s there.”
“What?” Michael sounded confused but he started turning to looked at Abi. Quickly, Naomi pulled back and pressed herself against the wall. If she ran, she would easily get lost and she doubted that would be worth it.

“Brother, don’t you dare,” Lucifer warned. “You shouldn’t be here.”
“Neither should Naomi.”
“And yet she more powerful here,” said Lucifer, there was a bitterness in his voice. “And both of you are weaker. Go home, if she wants to go to school, I’ll make sure she goes to school.”
“If she wants?” repeated Michael, sounding outraged at the idea. “She has to.”
“Why? You said she could make her own choices.”

There were footsteps that sounded like they were getting closer to her. It was probably Michael.


Definitely Michael

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