↦Chapter 21: A Wedding Nightmare

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The sun began drifting into the sky, the dawn breaking and wreaking havoc with the blank, smearing it with tendrils of red, gold and pink. The clouds had gone and with them, the rain. So it was beginning to be a true sunrise, where the clouds changed at first subtly and then suddenly transformed the heavens in a way that no other occurence could. Short of a nuclear bomb and it's towering mushroom cloud. 

Yet both were transformative in their own right. One side of the world was lit, the other enveloped in blackness. The sun's movement was a metaphor for either darkness descending or the beginning of light arising.

The clock chimed. It was 3:30 in the morning and even the birds were quiet. There wasn't a car on the lane within a three mile radius. The flames burned with colours no one ever thought it could. The Le Domas mansion was caught on fire. The flames licked around the house like it meant to play, burning the curtains bleached yellow. At first the wet timber of the furniture resisted but the fire was strong and it took control all over the room and soon the house.

The silence was a poison in the mansion, for in the void of sound the shallowness of the endless screams of the bride were laid bare.

"Deliver us, O mighty one, from all past error and delusion" recited Helene while the groom picked the green box which was covered with red wine blood and slowly trudged forward and stood in front of Grace. Alex was now standing in the position of his father, ready for the ritual. He placed the box on the table.

Meanwhile the other Le Domas family members were busy holding the feet and the hands of Grace on the table, the father's hand was placed on her mouth. Grace was trapped. She couldn't move, nor scream. For her screams were muffed and her body was stuck.

"That having set our foot upon the path of darkness, we may not weaken in our resolve"  Helene resumed reciting.

"But, with thy assistance, grow in wisdom andd strength!" the voice of Helene trembled a little as she handed the sword into the hand of Alex. The latter took it from her hand.

"Shemhameforash!" screamed Helene.

"SHEMHAMEFORASH!!" repeated the others.

"Shemhameforash" said the kids of Emilie who were also witnessing the scene with a smile along with their mother.

"Hail Mr. Le Bail!" Helene screamed on the top of her lungs.

"HAIL MR LE BAIL!" repeated the others.


Their voices went louder.

"Hail Mr Le Bail" whispered Alex when he lifted the sword in the air and he was about to penetrate it in the head of Grace but the latter succeeded in freeing herself. Since Helene was tightly holding the hand of Grace, the latter succeeded in piercing her nails through her skin and the old woman released her hand and backed away. Grace escaped death, but however she didn't saved herself from the sword. For, the weapon managed to hit her on the clavicle of her left shoulder.

Grace gasped and screamed and the family members backed away as they watched her crawling in pain on the table when Grace mustered the courage and got herself up. She rushed herself to a corner and she screamed even louder when she hastily removed the sword from her skin and pointed it to scare the family with her trembling hands.

"NO!" screamed Helene when her gaze jerked towards the curtains. The sun was up. They failed their mission.

Helene pulled the curtain and the sun hit the room with her bright, bold and burning rays.

Fitch gasped the moment the rays hit his face and he contracted his body and closed his eyes. As if he was a vampire about to burn in the sun.

Meanwhile Tony went on his knees and hide himself behind the table while Alex stood with his big eyes.

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