↦Chapter 8: The Truth

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While the family members trudged outside the room. Becky went towards Alex and sat next to him. She placed her hand on his shoulder. Alex sighed.

"Sweetheart, maybe you should just stay here"


Charity was busy putting on her lipstick outside the room in front of the mirror when Becky and Tony closed the door.

"Watch the door" said Becky to Charity and the later shook her head.

"Thank you, Charity" said Tony when they both left.


"So, how was your wedding night, Grace?"

Grace murmured to herself.

"Oh, it was just great. Just great, I, uh..."

"I sat in a dumbwaiter" she sighed out of disappointment.


Alex couldn't help himself. He couldn't wait. His mind kept telling himself: "you need to save Grace. You need to save Grace". He couldn't just sit here and watch his wife getting killed by his own family. He had to do something. He suddenly made up his mind; the secret door. There was one in the room. One where all the maids would walk in and out. He find himself running inside. He constently looked behind him in case someone discovered he was gone. His breath was heavy. But he didn't care, he only cared about saving Grace at the moment.

He had a plan in his head.


Emilie tiptoed up the stairs while keeping her eyes viligant. Meanwhile Tony and helene were busy walking into the living room, searching for Grace. The latter was sitting in the dumbwaiter, bitting her nails, feeling bored.


Charity was doing her hair in the mirror when she was finally satisfied. She opened the secret room and said:

"Alex, honey, do you want some company?"

She let her eyes travelled at every cornor of the room but no signs of Alex could be visible. That's when she discovered she messed up:

"Oh, fuck me! Damn it!"


Alex reached his bedroom when he carefully walked outside.

Meanwhile, Grace started to question herself:

"How long is this gonna take?" she pushed out a sigh of disappointment. She was already fed up of the game.


"How long does this usually take?" asked Fitch to Becky while walking.

"There is nothing usual about this" said Becky.

"It  only happened once since I joined the family" she continued.

Fitch glanced at the crossbow in his hand when he said:

"Am I really supposed to know how to use this thing??" he frowned.

Becky started feeling annoyed. She rolled her eyes and sighed.

"You know what? I'm just gonna make a quick pit stop. I've got a nervous stomach" said Fitch.

Becky stared at him.

"You know I've never liked you, right?" she said.


"Uh..." Fitch blinked and sighed.


Grace looked at her surrounding when she said:

"Ah...that's enough of this"

She opened the dumbwaiter and poke her head out. She glanced at her left then to her right. No one. She then tried to come out of the box and as she held her high heels in one hand, she succeeded in touching the floor with her feet. She was about to step ahead when suddenly her bridal dress got stuck. The fabric teared.

"Shit" she whispered.

She pulled her dress two times when it finally got out. She annoyingly pulled it down when she silently trudged forward.

"Oh shit" gasped Clara.

Clara was suddenly awake and she started to panic when she couldn't see Georgie sleeping on the bed. It seemed as she narrated stories to the kids, she herself fell asleep. She hastily rushed outside and called out:


"Crap" Grace could hear her voice and her high heels hitting the floor as she walked. Her footsteps were coming towards her. She hurriedly walked faster when she hide into the corridor and waited. The maid hopefully made her way straight and the moment Grace poke her eyes to watch, a hand suddenly covered her mouth from behind. Grace struggled but her screams were muffed.

"Shhh" whispered Alex in her ears when he dragged Grace to their bedroom.

Grace frowned and turned to him.

"I nearly pissed myself! What are you doing?" she irritably said.

"I know, shh"

"You need to listen to me very carefully" whispered Alex.

Grace looked at him in confusion.

Suddenly the voice of Clara could be heard.


She was now coming towards the bedroom.

"Shit! Come with me!" Alex grapped her hand.

"Wait. What are we doing??" said Grace.

They both sat on the floor and hide behind the bed.

"Get down. Grab your dress, grab your dress" murmered Alex.

"Okay okay, jesus" she rolled her eyes and obeyed to his words.

Clara's footsteps approached and entered the room.

"Georgie, I know you're in here" she whispered as she trudged towards the bed. No one. She was then making her way towards the place where both Alex and Grace were hiding when out of the blue, her attention was caught by a chattering sound behind. It then followed by a glass shattering on the floor. She turned her back and glanced. It must be someone, probably Georgie. She trudged at the entry of the room.

Meanwhile Grace and Alex seized the opportunity to poke their heads and watched.


The lady couldn't even finish her words when a gunshot hit her right in her eyes. Her lifeless body thud on the ground. Alex and Grace gasped when they pulled themselves down.

It was Emilie.

"Over here! Over here! Over here!" She screamed.

"Guys! I found her" she was laughing from afar.

Grace slowly poke her head out and stared. Her heart started pounding faster as she watched the lifeless body of Clara on the floor, blood ozzing out of her eyes. The bullet has entered through the eye socket. It was dark red, pooling with blood, already blackening. Some brain matter had exploded from the back of her skull and splattered on the otherwise white wall. The body had slumped to the floor like some ungainly life-sized doll. The remaining eye remained opened, staring at Grace. She gurgled.

Grace abruptly turned her face back and covered her mouth. Tears appearing in her eyes as she sat petrified. Grace was now conscious what was awaiting for her. She remained paralyzed and let the shock send shivers to her spine.

The Bride✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن