↦Chapter 11: The Black Sheep

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Charity abruptly rushed inside the studyroom while pointing her shortgun when she pushed a sigh of disappointment the moment she saw Daniel sitting on the chair drinking his alcohol from the back.

"You lost her?"  she said as she walked towards him.

"Indeed" replied Daniel.

"You are pathetic"

"Indeed" his tone was now from sarcasm.

He lifted his hand and gave Charity the glass of beer. The lady rolled her eyes when she snatched it from his hand.

"Could you at least pretend to care?" she said before taking a sip.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll find her and kill her with or without my help" said Daniel as he stood up from his chair and went filling another glass of beer.

"You know, something did occur me, though. Alex may have been wrong keeping Grace in the dark but do you remember how you reacted when I told you about this?" said Daniel as he turned to Charity.

"You didn't fucking blink" he walked towards her.

"I mean, you couldn't wait to sigh your soul away"

Charity gave him a sharp look when she leaned closer and said:

"You know where I came from and what my life was like before. I'd rather be dead than lose all of this"

"Well..from your lips" said Daniel when he took a sip from his glass.

Tony and helene then made their entries and as usual, Tony was pointing his gun while helene was vigilantly holding her axe. All for nothing.

"Where is she?" asked the father.

Daniel and Charity stared at them.

"I'm afraid you just missed her" replied Daniel.

"Tony, Alex got out. I'm so sorry" confessed Charity.

"Goddamnit!!" said Tony as he placed the lantern on the table.

"Who's the fuckup now, right?" said Daniel as he pointed his glass at his wife.

The latter returned him a sharp look.

Tony disappointingly passed in between them to fetch a glass of beer.

"Still me?" said Daniel and both Tony and Charity rolled their eyes.

"Did you find her? Is it over?" Fitch entered the scene and hit the panic button with Emilie behind.

"No, it's not over. And now she knows what's going on" replied Tony as he took a sip.

Becky made her entry just then, all perplexed.

"Oh, but Emilie shot Clara in the eyes. So she's dead. That's just a sidenote" said Daniel as he filled another glass.

"Clara's dead!?" asked Fitch when he turned his gaze to Emilie who was burning with embarrassment.

He then diverted his gaze straight.

"She was my favourite.." he confessed.

"Duh" Tony rolled his eyes.

"Cock! I forgot my gun!" said Emilie when she looked at her empty hand.

She then lifted her head and said:

"Daddy, I forgot my gun. I suck!!" she went towards Tony and hugged him like a kid.

"Oh it's okay.." consoled Tony as he rubbed her shoulder.

"I suck!" groaned Emilie.

"You don't suck sweetheart.." said Becky who was standing next to Tony.

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