↦Chapter 14: Pain in the stable

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Fitch was secretly using his phone while sitting on the border of the closed window. He entered google and typed on the search engine:

Pact with the devil real or bullshit?

Fitch didn't got the chance to pressed on the search engine when a notification appeared on his phone which chimed. It was kip, his brother. Fitch scoffed when he read the message:

"What's up, dawg?"

"Idiot" he chuckled.

"Not much...family shit" he typed and sent the message when out of the blue a soft thud could be heard from outside. It was Grace who just jumped from the roof and fell on the ground.

Fitch instantly turned his gaze and stared outside but his attention was abruptly grabbed by a new notification on his phone. He smiled and kept chatting.

Grace slowly walked backward when she noticed the back of Fitch at the window.

When she was convinced that she was at a reasonable distance, she hastily tiptoed down the stairs and found herself in the position where she remembered she got married with his husband. Some flashbacks appeared in her mind for a moment. She turned her gaze to the huge mansion and she started holding back; her husband, Alex.

She let a tear fell from her eyes.

She knew it wasn't a wise choice to get back there. She regained her consciousness back and after wiping the tears in her eyes, she decided to escape. So she ran, her shoes coagulating pools of mud outward like an incomming tide.

Grace was running so hard that snot was flying in her nose and spit from her mouth. She scurried into the dark and the dense garden of the Le.Domas mansion.

Grace suddenly stopped. She saw someone wandering in the dark coming into her direction. She couldn't see who it was. For hell, it could be anybody. It was only the strong light from the torch that compelled her to hide behind a tree.

The figure seemed to come to her way. She carefully walked on the outer edges of her shoes as much as possible, which made her steps quieter. She instantaneously saw a stable from a few metres away and decided to switfly made her way there.

She hopefully managed to enter the stable which had a dim light at the top the roof. It was a small building set apart and adapted for raring goats. The stable had a sort of underground well or hole covered with old woods situated in the middle of the building. The stable was divided into enclosures to keep each animal seperate. Grace decided to hide into one of them when she saw the light from the torch approaching as the door closed.

Someone was inside with Grace.

He poked his head through, using the torch as the light, he shone it around the darkened inferior of the spaces.

Grace kept her silence and waited. She was already thinking about the idea of jumping on the person the moment he would walked past the enclosure in which she was hiding.

She poke her head to the left only to find no one but the little boy, Georgie, who was still innocently looking from the other side.

"Georgie?" said Grace and the boy turned to her.

"Oh, thank god. Okay.." Grace stood up from her hiding place and glanced at the door while whispering:

"Okay, listen, I know this is really, really scary, but-"

Grace stopped talking on the spot and lifted her hand in the air as Georgie pointed a gun at her.

She was about to utter a word out but the little boy didn't wait and shot Grace on the right hand. The bullet penetrated through and spat out of her hand, red in the darkness, and left such a hole that Grace could see the other side of her hand.

Grace gasped and stared at the blood coming out from her hand. She let out a painful scream. Her pain didn't turn into weakness but into hot anger. She clenched her cheekbones and furiously stared back at Georgie who was pulling the trigger of his gun again but no bullets came out of it. It just added more to her wrath. She gave a punch in the little boy's face who fell unconscious into the darkness of one of the enclosure.

Grace's eyes grew bigger when she realised what she just did but she rapidly fetched the torchlight on the floor when out of the blue one of the goat bleated and appeared in front of her face which made Grace shrieked and trudged backward when she missed a step and find herself falling into the well of the stable.

Grace gasped and groaned in pain. She started coughing continuously as the underground well was giving a foul smell which almost looked like she was buried among dead decomposing bodies in the cemetery. She lifted her hand in the air to scare the mosquitoes surrounding her when she was about to stand on her feet but her stomach tightened when she realised she was surrounded by dead bodies of individuals. Some already turned into skeletons while some was in the process of decomposition. The remainings consisting of flesh, rotton human parts of the body like intestines, liver compelled Grace to retch and threw up.

She pushed away some of the skeletons away from her and froze herself out of the fear and the shock. She tried gasping for air when she felt something next to her. She slowly turned her gaze to her left only to find a skeleton with its crane seeming to stare at her. It was one of the dead body of a groom; for the suit was still in the process of deterioration as well as the body but there were several arrows still stuck into the stomach.

It was one of Charles.

Grace screamed at just the look of it and decided to stand up on her trembling feet. She rushed straight to the ladder which would let anyone coming up or down into the well. She lifted her head and tried to work out the height. It was tall. But not tall enough to remain inside the well. She could possibly get out of it but what Grace was unaware of, was that the ladder was a practically old one with weak woods and it was suspended with only one screw on the edges of the well from up.

Grace climbed one step up the ladder and the first side rail broke into pieces.

"Shit" said Grace.

She lifted her head up again.

"Fuck" it started to feel impossible for her to reach up but she wasn't willing to spend the rest of her life in a well among dead bodies of humans.

With the help of her left hand, Grace firmly held the side wooden rails to support her body and managed to gradually climbed the ladder up. Her left hand was placed on her chest, for she couldn't use it since it was still bleeding and it sent waves of pain like an electric shock at a time.

Grace now only had to climb two of it. She succeeded the first one but failed the last one as the spreader of the ladder weakened and broke into pieces which separated Grace and the ladder.

Grace gasped and she was now handing with her left hand on the top.  She grunted as she tried to pull herself up with the help of her hand but she couldn't. The strength of her hand weakened and it wasn't enough for her to hold her entire body swaying in the air. As her left hand was soaked in blood, it slipped on the edge of the wall and as Grace watched how her hand was slipping down, she mustered the courage to lift her already injured hand on the left in order to make it easier for her to come out of the well. But, to her misery, she has unluckily penetrated her hand into the same screw which was holding the ladder. It just added more to her excruciating pain.

Grace screamed and dissolved into tears but she pulled herself up despite the deep gruel. She managed to poke her head outside and she felt her stomach tightened again the moment her eyes met her wounded hand which was stuck into the screw.

She turned her face to the left and she groaned and panted. She tried grabbing some air when she gathered the courage and lifted her hand out of the screw. While doing so, she busted out a deafening scream that it felt like the whole building vibrated and throbbed.

Grace writhed and finally came out of the well. She leaned against the well and as she sat on the ground, she tried to breath to calm her already pounding heart. She glanced at her injured hand and cried. She then torn out a piece of fabric from her bridal dress of her arm and wrapped it around her injured hand. Grace whimpered as she tightly pulled the fabric against her hand. She then placed her head against the well and grabbed some air. Her gaze was then diverted towards Georgie who was still unconscious. Fury ruined in her veins as she stared at him.

"You little..FUCKER!" she said and let her anger out when she decided to stand on her feet and make her exit.

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