↦Chapter 6: Hide and Seek

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"So this room is reserved for family members only" said Tony as he opened the secret room. He offered his hand to Grace:

"After you, my dear"

Grace made a simple smile when she hesitantly stepped into the room. Behind her were the other family members. Grace let her eyes travelled around her surroundings:

"Holy shit.." she quickly whispered under her breath as she stared at the four huge animals' head suspended at each side of the wall. Some were deers, cows, owls and even beers. In the middle of the room, there was a large family table where some candles were placed in the middle and where the family members took their respective seats.

"Our great-grandfather enjoyed his games" said Tony.

Daniel find himself staring at the entry of the door where he could still see that little boy who was crazily traumatized one night standing in front of that room. It would make his sick living another minute in such a place.

Meanwhile, Steven closed the door behind and made his departure.

Grace find herself staring at a huge painting of a man standing in some soldier suit who was carrying a long gun in his hand. There also lied a lifeless body of a tiger just in front of the man in the picture.

"He must have been a hunter" she thought.

Grace travelled her eyes down only to find a name neatly written in a small square wooden-furniture. It read: "Victor Le Domas"

She suddenly realised it was the same shotgun that was suspended just below the painting. Except it was a real one, with its bullets perfectly placed to the right.

"Grace" interrupted the father.

Grace turned her gaze towards him. The latter was standing at his seat while the other members were already seated.

"Have a seat" said Tony.

She obeyed to his words and went to her seat next to his husband.

"Do you like to play games?" asked Tony.

"Uh..I guess it depends on what we are playing" chuckled Grace.

"Well, we'll know in a moment" smiled Tony when he continued:

"I gather you've noticed our family is big on tradition" he gestured his hand while explaining himself.

Daniel sighed and placed his head on the table:

"Not again" he thought.

Becky was brightly smiling while keeping her eyes on Grace.

"And now, well, now the time has come for you to join us in those traditions" said Tony.

Grace glared and blinked in confusion.

"Ohh, story time" whispered Daniel as he gulped another glass of beer.

Emile raised her eyebrows but wore her smile and exchanged looks with Fitch who was seated next to her.

"As you may know, my great-grandfather, victor, set up a modest painting shop during the civil war, manufacturing playing cards. A generation later, my grandfather expanded into sporting goods and board games. Under my leadership, Le Domas Family Games acquired four professional sport teams and reached, well, even greater heights. Some may call it luck but, well, it's a little more than that" explained Tony when he said:

"You know, it's almost as if someone is watching over us"

Alex worriedly stared at the father when the latter continued:

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