↦Chapter 15: North Fence Escape

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Charity was enjoying her cigarette outside when she spotted Grace running from afar in the dense garden. Charity smiled and threw her cigarette when she said:

"I got you"

She cocked the crossbow and aimed at Grace.

"I got you, bitch"

She pulled an arrow when her happiness turned into disappointment as she realised she missed her prey and hit a bat which screeched instead among the leaves.

"Fuck!" she stamped her feet.


Charity quickly trudged inside when she met with Steven.

"She is outside, running towards the north fence. I'll get the others" she explained when she left Steven alone.

Steven made a crooked smile. What could be a better opportunity to exact his revenge on Grace. After all, he's got his face half-burned by a woman which doesn't seem to agree with his ego.


Grace sprinted among the trees when she reached the north fence. She tried to find the locker of the gate but it was wrapped with chains and it seemed impossible to open it. She tried to climb up on the gate but she couldn't. Her weekness outweigh her strength. She constantly placed her hand everywhere on the huge gate, hoping that she could find a space to get out when suddenly her hand hit a broken fence. It was divided into pieces. She tried pulling the piece That was seperated and it moved a little.

Maybe if I pulled it hard, it can be removed, she thought.

She did exactly what her mind told her. She tried pulling the weak fence and as she was doing so, she could feel the muscle in her arm tearing into parts. She grunted and screamed while pulling it when out of the blue a vehicle could be heard approaching from afar.

Grace's eyeballs grew bigger when she decided to scream:


She then pulled the fence as hard as she could when the weak fence broke and she along with the broken fence, fell on the ground.

Grace gasped for air when she got up and rushed to the space that could get her out. She poke her head out and she was now trying to get her body passed through it:

"Help! Please help me!" she screamed louder as the vehicle approached nearer.

But as she desperately tried to pass through the space, the remaining of the broken fence was tearing her shoulder so hard that her flesh would appear behind.

"Fuck Fuck Fuck" she grunted.

She then tightly held the fence with her injured hand and as she tried to pull herself out, her shoulder would cut her deeper at the same time. Grace was screaming louder when she was pulling her out with all her strength ; her injured hand and the deep cut on her shoulder would sent shock waves of excruciating pain to her. She kept pushing further when she succeeded and find herself grunting outside.

She raised her hand and directed the vehicle to stop:

"Hey! Wait! Stop!!"

"Please! Please help me!" She ran towards the car as it slowed.

"Oh, thank god. Thank you, thank you" Grace pushed a sigh of relief. She finally thought she was rescued when the driver shouted:

"Hey! Get the fuck out of the road!"

And he resumed his engine and drove away from Grace.

"Please! Wait!!!" cried Grace as she watched her only hope drifting away from her.

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