↦Chapter 17: Captured

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Grace was now driving the car of Steven on the road. As she kept her eyes on the way, she appeared to found a way to call the police. She placed her injured hand on the driving wheel and pressed the line button which was up around the car rear view mirror of inside.

A ring belled and a woman voice said:

"Thank you for calling Trip Safe. Please stay on the line and you'll be connected to the next available representative"

The representative was now a voice of a man:

"Good evening. This is Justin. Your call may be monitored-"

"People are trying to kill me. Can you please help me?" interrupted Grace.

"Uh..yes, I can help you with that. Um, do you need medical assitance or-"

"Can you call the police, please?" said Grace while keeping her eyes on the road.

"Yes. I'd be happy to help you with that" said Justin.

Grace could then hear him typing something through the ether.

"Sorry. The computer's acting up again. Let me just quickly reboot here" chuckled Justin.

"Justin, just call the fucking police!" ordered Grace.

"Ma'am, it says here that the car was reported stolen"

Grace's facial expression changed.

"I'm sorry but I have to shut it down"

"No, what? What the FUCK? Are you fucking kidding me??" hissed Grace and the engine stalled and began shutting down.

"It's company policy ma'am. There is nothing I can do"

"No, no no, please. Justin!" Grace gasped when the car stopped in the middle of the road.

"Just stay with the vehicle ma'am. The police are on their way"

"Just start the fucking car!" shouted Grace as she tried turning the car keys but in vain.

"'Kay there's no need for profanity"

"Start the car, Justin!" screamed Grace.

"Jesus, there is nothing I can do. My-My hands are tied"

Grace worriedly glanced through the rear windshield glass window from the back and then she nervously looked from her right and to her left.


"Hello? JUSTIN!" shouted Grace as she kept her gaze from the back.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" said Justin.

"Yeah, you can go FUCK yourself, Justin!" Grace let out her anger when she snuggled up.

"Okay. Thanks for using Trip Safe. Have a great night"

And the system turned off.

Grace sighed and leaned her head against the driving wheel.

"Okay, you're okay, you're okay, you're okay..." she tried to calm herself down.

"Police are on the way. Police are on the way. Everything is gonna be-"

Grace gasped and screamed when she came across the face of Steven who was staring at her from the window.

Steven threw something hard at the window and broke the glass when Grace tried to escape by opening the car door from the other side but in vain. Steven took out his gun and pulled the trigger. But it wasn't a bullet that hit grace but a toxic one which made Grace felt dizzy and as she leaned her head against the door, her vision blurred and her head was spinning.

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