↦Chapter 3: The Wedding

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"Smile, please" said Steven, the photographer, a man in his mid-fifties as the shutter of the camera clicked. The bright smile of Grace looked so much better with the splendid view from behind; the giantic garden with well-cut bushes perfectly trimmed and placed on the edges of the huge, long fountains. The water in the pool shined back to the sun rays, the bodies of the water that are green all day long runs from neon to bright jade to a deep emerald --and they gained a slight touch of blue which appeared like crystals in the water.

The entire Le Domas Family were all gathered at the other side of their luxurious estate.

"He could have done so much better" said Tony, the father to Daniel. An old man in his probable fifties consisting of light grey eyes, didn't seem to enjoy the moment at his best.

"You are just saying that because he's your favorite" replied Daniel.

The father rolled his eyes:

"Oh, please. I love all of you..equally"

Daniel let out a huge scoff which made both of them bursting out a great laughter.


"Two years is a long time, Alex. I started to think we'd really lost you" muttered out Tony to Alex who was clearly paying no attention to him. Instead, his focus was on the photographer.

"Smile, smile, please" said the photographer.

Grace was now standing next to Daniel but both her attention and her gaze were on an old woman named Helene with blonde hairs from her right who was silently sitting on a chair, carrying the most unpleasant and terrifying facial expression. She wore a purple dress made of silk following her black leggings. The mascara encircling her eyes was wildly bold and gave the weird sensation that her eyeballs weren't visible from a distance. Grace couldn't let her eyes off from her, she was nervously worried about the way the old woman was staring at her.

"Okay, that's good" interrupted the photographer.

"Don't take it personally. They are just trying to figure out if you're a gold digging whore. You know like..my wife" said Daniel to Grace.

Grace decently shook her head and made a slight fake smile.

"Next please" said Steven.

"She's pretty enough, in a "last call at the dive bar" kinda way" said a young lady of mid shoulder black hairs with grey eyes, posing next to Daniel who rolled his eyes at her talks.

"Of course not, dear. She has a soul" replied Daniel to his wife named Charity.

"Where the hell is your sister?" asked the father to Alex.

"I'm sure it's Fitch's fault" replied Alex.

"He's useless but he's one of us. Is Grace too?" said Tony keeping his eyes straight.

Alex cleared his throat and said nothing in return.

Grace was standing at a distance and was staring at Alex when a voice interrupted her:

"There you are"

It was Becky, the mother of Alex.



Out of all the people present in the family, Becky looked like the one most approachable person to Grace. She was a woman in her mid-fifties who was wearing a tight long dark blue dress and had her straight brown hairs curled up into a bun on the top of her head. She pulled out a pack of cigarette from a case which left a surprising look on Grace's face.

I thought I was the only one who smoke , she thought.

"Give me a hand" said Becky and Grace obeyed to her words and placed her hands from the two sides to help the mother light up her cigarette.

"It's a beautiful case" remarked Grace.

"Thank you, it was my mother's. Do you smoke?" asked Becky.

"Oh no" lied Grace.

"Nervous?" said the mother.

Grace felt quite embarrassed. She blinked.

"Ah. Because your blood isn't blue enough?" joked Becky.

Grace chuckled.

"They said the same thing about me" she continued.

"They did?" asked a curious Grace.

"Stand tall and fuck 'em" chucked Becky.

They both laughed at each other.

"The only thing that matters is what Alex thinks" she pointed to Alex who was busy talking.

"And that we know" she then turned her gaze on Grace.


"I love you"

"I love you too"

And they both leaned close to each other for a kiss after exchanging the rings while the audience made a grand applause. The two couples blushed and laughed together. Grace wrapped her hands around the arms of her husband and they both slowly tiptoed down the stairs while the audience stood up and clapped for them, except helene who remained seated.

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