Two Parents

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Deceit was treating his wounds. All the children were finally gone and he had burns, scars, cuts, and bruises littered all over his pale skin.

He heard the mistress speaking to someone in a kind voice.

It's an adult. He thought

She never spoke to children that way.

", all the others are gone. The last one is a delinquent and is very difficult to manage. He has come back from many homes already. I don't think you will like him."

"Can we see him?"

Deceit's eyes widened and he quickly his the medical supplies and hurriedly pulled his shirt on, applying makeup to his face and putting on a mask quickly.

"Of course. This is his room." the door was open and the mistress glared at him.

Two men entered the room. One had sunglasses and a coffee cup in one hand, he had a pager on his belt. Police officer.

The second man sat down next to him, wearing a genuine smile. "hello kiddo, what's your name?"

Deceit frowned and grimaced signing he was mute.

The one in the back nodded while the one who was seated looked confused. "he's mute babe."

Realization dawned on him "ooohhh! Well, no matter. Can you sign or write your name?"

Deceit was confused they hadn't seemed to care he was mute. Being mute meant you were a problem. That's what the mistress said. He signed

Deceit or Snake

"He says his name is Deceit or Snake. Did I read that right?" Coffee questioned.

Deceit nodded and they both looked upset.

"I'm guessing someone gave you those names?" Smiley asked.

Deceit nodded again. He signed

I don't remember my name.

"He doesn't remember his name. What should we call you?"

Dee please.

"he said to call him Dee, with two E's."

Smiley nodded and smiled again. He repeated his name "I'm Emile and this is Remy."

Deceit frowned and signed.

I prefer Smiley and Coffee.

Coffee's eyes widened and Deceit thought he messed up. He then burst into laughter. "oh my god that's great."

Smiley looked between Deceit and his husband in confusion. "what happened?"

"He prefers to call us Smiley and Coffee."

361 words

(Lociet) High School Hierarchy Book 1Where stories live. Discover now