Let's Just Talk.

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Deceit was curled up next to Virgil tiredly. He was constantly plagued by nightmares with his mom in them.

Virgil hummed quietly as he played with Deceit's hair. "Can we talk?"

Deceit nodded "what do you want to talk about?"

Virgil thought for a moment "well I want to ask a few questions. But you don't have to answer if you don't want to." he kissed the top of Deceit's head.

"Okay. Ask away."

"First, how do you feel right now?"

"tired and a bit anxious but content."

"that's no good. Why are you tired?"

"I don't get much sleep?"

"why not?"

".....I don't want to answer."

"okay, that's okay. Why are you anxious."


"is this calming you down?"


"will you be able to sleep if you cuddle with me?"


"do you want to try to sleep."

"..I don't know."


"I'm scared."

"of what..?"


"I'll keep you safe."

"okay. I'll try and sleep."

Deceit made himself more comfortable and fell asleep within minutes.

Virgil sighed sadly, he still felt guilty for hurting Deceit, even if he wasn't the only factor.


Remus sprinted to the tree house, afraid for what had happened during school.

Virgil had gone out as he needed to get them food and so he was singing in the silence.

Remus heard him and slowed down, listening carefully. He teared up as he heard deceit start to cry.

He climbed the ladder and hugged him "you're not a liability."

248 words
Hope you guys liked the chapter.
Stay you!! Stay true!!

Edit - ah, the outro is back

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