Chapter 3

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(The next day at school)

"Hey Ally!" Austin waved. "Hi Austin!" Ally replied, still a little sad, walking towards the lockers. "Are you sure you are okay, because Gavin is over there." Trish pointed to Gavin. "Oh, I have to talk to him. He needs to know that I didn't really mean what I said." Ally walked over to Gavin.

"Hey Gavin." Ally whispered.

"What do you want Ally?" He whispered back to her.

"I, I, I, just wanted to talk to you." She stuttered

"Well, that's not going to happen." He shouted, making her flinch at how loud his voice had become.

"I can't date you, because I'm dating Austin." She whimpered

"I wish you didn't say that, then maybe we could have still been friends." He turned around abruptly, and started walking away.

"Gavin wait!" Ally yelled, she started to go after him but turned around and sighed, starting to cry.

"It's okay Ally, we are here for you, we won't leave you." Trish said, putting a hand on her shoulder to comfort her. "Thanks guys, that means a lot." Ally wiped the tears off her face, turned and walked away to go to class.


(After school at Shredders)

-Brooke & Cassidy-

"So, have you thought about any revenge for Austin?" Brooke asked Cassidy.

" Yes, I have the perfect plan. We are going to break up him and Ally, then me and him will get together. Then I'll dump his sorry butt." She suggested.

"Sounds perfect, but how are we going to break him and Ally up?"

"That's up to Austin." Cassidy smirked.

"Oh, I like where this is going, come on let's go find Gavin, let's see if he wants to join our evil plan." Brooke walked out the door, with Cassidy following her.


(Sonic Boom)

Cassidy and Brooke walk into Sonic Boom, Brooke goes upstairs to talk to Austin while Cassidy stays downstairs to talk to Ally.

"Hi Cassidy." Ally glanced up at her.

"Hi Ally," she waved, "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure but hurry up Elliot is waiting for me."

"Um....okay you can go I just wanted to tell you that, I, um, saw Austin, um, kissing another girl."

"WHAT?!?!" Ally shouted with tears in her eyes, "HOW could he do THIS to me?!"

"I don't know, but I'm really sorry, really sorry I had to tell you this, but it was better than you seeing it yourself." Cassidy wrapped her arms around her in a hug.

"Thank you for telling me this, you're not that bad, you know?" Ally giggled and smiled, wearily.

"Thank you, same here." Cassidy nodded.

"I have to talk to Austin, how dare he kiss another girl?!" Ally grabbed her purse, getting ready to confront Austin.

"Uh no, you don't have to do that. Let's just wait and see what he does, okay?" Cassidy asked

"Fine." She walked over to Elliot, who had been oblivious to everything that had just happened, and walked out the doors to the movie theater with him.


(Practice room)

"Hey Austin I wanted to tell you something." Brooke said, closing the door so no one else can hear what's going on.

"Um okay." Austin moved away from the piano bench to stand up near Brooke.

"Well I saw Ally downstairs and she said she was going on a date with Elliot. I heard that they were going to the movies, so maybe you should go down there and face her in front of everyone!"

"You know what you are right she deserves this, but I can't believe she would do that to me!" Brooke walked out the door to go to the movies and Austin followed her, slamming the door behind him.


(Movie Theater)

"Okay Elliot, you need help on taking a girl to the movies which is why I'm here." Ally pats his arm giggling. "Okay, but I think I'm perfectly fine." He laughed, pulling out his hot glue gun, twirling it around his finger just like he did months ago when he reunited with Ally after being away from her for so long. 

Just then, Austin and Brooke walk into the movie. He immediately gets upset when he sees Ally laughing along with Elliot, who puts his arm around Ally.

"Hey Ally, cheating on me aren't you?" Austin stormed down the steps to stand in front of Ally and Elliot.

"How would I be cheating on you if you kissed another girl?" Ally yelled, getting out of her seat and shoving Austin.

"I don't know what you are talking about, I never kissed another girl but you, you seem like you're enjoying Elliot. You're laughing with him and he has your arm around you."

"He doesn't know the right things to do on a movie date, so I'm helping him and you come in here accusing me of going on a date with Elliot, without proof of any sort, you're only going by what whoever told you," Ally sobbed,

"Come on Elliot let's go find another theater where there are no annoying jerks." She grabbed his hand and glared at Austin. She pushed him out-of-the-way and started to walk up the stairs, dragging Elliot behind her.

"Oh and if you didn't know, I'm breaking up with you and I never want to see your face in my life again." Ally looked back at Austin, before exiting the theater.

"This will be the best story yet." Megan said, popping out from behind a seat.

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