Chapter 18

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A/N: I wrote this at night in a car driving to a college so sorry if there are any mistakes. Hope you like it. Also the bold is kinda like a recap.

"Austin wait please." Ally cries running out the door and kicking a the piece of paper Austin threw on the ground. "What is this?" She asks Gavin realizing that there was no chance with Austin. "Open it." Gavin says. *Ally starts reading the letter aloud*

     Dear Ally,

I'm writing this letter to tell you how sorry I am about everything that has happened in the past few months. I'll start off saying that I was wrong about accusing you of cheating on me I should've let you explain, but I didn't and I regret it everyday. When Elliot asked you to prom it hurt me because from the moment we started dating I knew we were going to last. Unfortunately, last year Piper and Gavin got in the way and this year I got in the way because I was such a jerk. It crushed my heart to see Elliot asking you to prom and it crushed my heart even more when I saw you saying yes and you too looked so in love and right then and there I knew I wasn't going to give up on you. So I decided to write this letter for you and at graduation I was going to replace it with your speech and you would read my letter instead of your speech, but that didn't work out so well. When you got mad at me for crumpling up your speech that didn't stop me from writing this letter and it didn't stop me from loving you. In fact nothing ever made me stop loving you. Even as I'm writing this letter to you I still love and I know from now on that is never going to change. I want to love you for the rest of your life just as I do now. I love you Ally, forever and always.


As Ally finished reading the letter there were tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry." She blubbered. "You're sorry for what?" Gavin asked confused. "I'm sorry Gavin." She finally blurted out. "What? You're sorry for what." Gavin questioned. "I'm sorry I can't be with you even after what happened." Ally said "Why I thought you liked me?" Gavin asked. "I do like you Gavin, but I love Austin and I can't let someone like him go." Ally said and walked out of the room with Austin's letter in her hand.

A/N: The italicized words are the letter.

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