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A/N: This is the last chapter of the story ):


*Something years later*

*Sonic Boom*

"Alison, we're leaving you in charge of the store please don't break anything." Ally informs her daughter, while holding Austin's arm. "Yeah yeah I know it's your whatever year anniversary, but as soon as you get home can you tell me the story of how you guys met and got together?" Alison asked."Sure sweetie. We'll see you soon." Austin tells her and walks out the door with Ally.

On their way out Austin and Ally see Adam, their youngest worker. "Just let her think she is in charge." Ally explains to Adam. "You may be 15 and she may be 14 but she likes being in charge. Also don't even think about asking her out." Austin warns him. "I'll be sure to watch over her Ally, and Austin, that is the furthest thing from my mind, no need to worry." Adam replies. "Have a great time to night, I promise nothing will go wrong." Adam says. Austin and Ally wave goodbye to him and walk away.

"Hey Jess film me doing this." Adam hears and soon after hears a number of loud bangs. "Oh no." He exclaims and runs in the store.

When Adam reaches the store he see a tall girl with blonde hair playing the drums and another girl with straight red hair filming hair. As Adam gets closer he notices that the girl is playing the drums with corndogs. "You must be Alison." He says to the blonde haired girl. "Yeah and you are?" The girl replies sassily. "Adam, your parents sent me to help you watch over the store." Adam explains. "I don't need any help." Alison grumbles.

"Well since you're playing the drums with corndogs, I think you do." Adam pointed out. "Whatever." Alison groaned, shoving the corn dogs into the red haired girl's arms. "Take these Jess and throw them away." She ordered and the girl walked away. "Listen why don't you just leave, I'm 14 I can take care of myself." Alison explained. "Well your parents told me to come and help, I guess they don't trust you. Adam blurts out, mumbling the last part.

"What did you just say!?" Alison exclaims. "I said that your parents told me to come and help you watch over the store." He replied. "Before that, you said that they don't trust me. You don't know anything about me or my family so why don't you just leave." Alison yells. "You know what fine, if something happens don't come crying to me." Adam screams back at her and walks out of the store.

Alison goes over to the piano and starts playing a song, while outside Adam sits, slumped against the door to Sonic Boom writing lyrics in his journal.

Adam reaches into his back pocket to get his phone and text his friend to come over when he realizes that he left his phone inside on the piano, meaning he would have to go and get it and see her. "Ugh." He groans and stands back up and walks inside to get his phone.

Once inside Adam see Alison playing the piano and singing along to whatever she was playing. "I'm going to make, make, make you do a double take." She sings. Adam comes over and sits down next to her, playing the keys he knows. Alison abruptly stops when he starts playing. "What are you doing?" She asks him. "Well you were playing a song that I knew how to play, but you weren't playing it right so I came to come and help you." He explains. "Oh well if you're so good why don't you just teach me, or are you to full of yourself?" Alison pokes him in the chest. "For your information I'm not full of myself, and I could teach you how to play piano better if you just let me." Adam informs her. "Okay whatever. I have nothing better to do." She responds.

2 hours later Alison was playing the piano so good that Adam was in awe of 1: how fast she learned, and 2: how good she was. "Wow you're even better than me, can I try?" He asks. "Sure." She says and pats for him to sit down on the bench.

Austin & Ally *Graduations & Goodbyes*Where stories live. Discover now