Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

"Hey man are we still doing the performance for your girl?" Riker asks. "Um no." Austin replies and walks off. As he is walking back to the reception he runs into Ally. "Um, oh, i'm sorry." He mumbles. "Oh, it's fine." She mumbles. "Anyways, everyone was looking forward to us singing a song that we wrote, you know like one final performance before we go our separate ways. So I was looking and I found this one that we were supposed to sing along time ago." She tells him, pulling lyric sheets out of her purse. "Oh I remember this one, I know the lyrics." He stuttered. "Great, so you can sing with me one last time but, I have to sing a song I wrote first. Once i finish it." She explains to him. "Okay." He replies, and he walks back to the reception, leaving Ally in the hallway to finish writing her song.

*Back at the reception*

"Our second to last performer is our valedictorian, Ally singing a song she wrote called Last Kiss. Ally walks up to the piano and grabs the microphone and starts to speak. "So this is a song I wrote based off a relationship I had, where it ended unexpectedly and on a bad note as well. I imagined what it would be like in the future between us had we never gotten back together, and based off what happened to us about 30 minutes ago I do think it's how the future is going to be for us, unless a miracle happens and we somehow find each other again, but for now it's a song called Last Kiss, so here I go." She finishes speaking and sits at the piano and starts to play.

I still remember the look on your face

Lit through the darkness at 1:58

The words that you whispered

For just us to know

You told me you loved me

So why did you go away?


I do recall the smell of the rain

Fresh on the pavement

I ran off the plane

That July 9th

The beat of your heart

It jumps through your shirt

I can still feel your arms

But now I'll go sit on the floor

Wearing your clothes

All that I know is

I don't know how to be something you miss

I never thought we'd have a last kiss

Never imagined we'd end up like this

Your name, forever the name on my lips

I do remember the swing in your step

The life of the party, you're showing off again

And I roll my eyes and then

You pull me in

I'm not much for dancing

But for you I did

Because I love your handshake, meeting my father

I love how you walk with your hands in your pockets

How you kissed me when I was in the middle of saying something

There's not a day I don't miss those rude interruptions

Austin & Ally *Graduations & Goodbyes*Where stories live. Discover now