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I find my parents house and one of the guard saw me.

"Phoenix. You're home. Let me alert your parents" he said as he looked at me.

"No need. I'm pretty sure they know they're getting a damn visit from me" I said as I busted through the doors.

I stood in the foyer.

"Come out you cowards. I'm here as you wanted me! You've killed my baby, you might as well kill me. I've got nothing left to live for!" I yelled, my arms spread out.

"Phoenix. We knew you'd come" my father said as I sighed.

"Father. Wait. Should I call you that? You don't deserve that title. Neither of you deserve to be called my parents. How dare you take away something so precious to me. I don't give me that bullshit excuse that you killed my child because it was Niklaus' child because I heard it too many times!" I said as my mother looked at me.

"Phoenix. We understand you're annoyed but hear us out" she said as I crossed my arms.

"Why should I? All you're gonna do is spew dirt out of your mouth so don't waste your oxygen!" I said as walked closer to me.

"Phoenix. We understand what you're doing will kill Jackson. We want rid of him as much as the next person. You have you, Klaus, Hope, Hayley. You need two more to complete the hexagon that will banish Jackson to the spirit realm. However. There's a catch. That prophesy you gave Jackson... It held a secret Colby knew. A secret he wanted to keep from you" my mother said as walked to me.

"What secret?" I asked as she held my arms.

"You and Jackson. You're more than just enemies. You and Jackson were born on the same day, the same month, the same year, the same hour, the same minute, the same second under the same moon. You and Jackson as linked in blood, in emotions, in everything. Whatever you feel, he feels. Whatever he feels, you feel. Your blood runs through his veins. His blood runs through your veins. If you succeed in banishing him to the spirit realm, you'll go with him. And you won't be able to come back. There's no loophole this time" she said as she showed me a vision.

The vision showed Jackson and I banished. Us being able to see our friends, except they couldn't see us and we couldn't touch them, not communicate with them. Jackson and I's wrists, bounded by an unbreakable spell. Mother let go of me and she looked at me.

"I guess I'll just have to go out in style then won't I?" I said as I walked out of the castle.

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