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I was walking in the castle grounds outside when someone pushed me to the floor.

"Hey there hybrid" Jackson said crouching down.

"You love this don't you?" I asked smirking.

"Torturing you? Yes. It's really fun" he said picking me up off the floor.

He punched me and threw me on the floor.

"Jackson" Colby said helping me up.

"Ah come to see the show!" He said throwing his hands up in the air.

"Join in more like" Sam said hissing.

"Do you know what you guys? It's ok. I can handle him" I said running at Jackson.

He grabbed me and staked me.

"Again, not going to work" I said ramming it into his own heart.

"Oh you clever bastard" he said as he ran over to Kyle.

He grabbed him and pulled his head to the side.

"No!" I said as he looked at me.

"Either you join us in the cave. Or he dies" Jackson said smiling at me.

"She'll never join you" Brennen said.

"Fine then" Jackson said biting Kyle.

I fell to my knees as I watched Kyle in pain. He didn't die. Then Jackson pulled his heart out of his chest. He ran away and Brennen and Sam ran after them. I ran over to Kyle who hung into my arm.

"Colby help him. Give him your blood" I yelled as Colby came over to us.

"There's nothing we can do" Colby said shaking his head.

"Colby don't lie. You can give him your blood" I yelled as he kept on shaking his head.

"You have to let him go Nix" Colby said smiling.

"No! Either you save him Colby or I will" I said biting my wrist.

He looked at me.

"Your bluffing" Colby said laughing.

"Am i?" I asked as I pressed my wrist against Kyle's mouth.

He drank my blood and then fainted.

"You stupid" Colby said grabbing me.

"What're you gonna do Colby? Bite me!" I asked pushing him away.

I grabbed Kyle and put him to bed. I'm really annoyed with Colby. That human blood tasted amazing.

"Phoenix you shouldn't have done that" Colby said opening the door.

"You wanted me to be a fledgling. Well guess what? I'm not anymore" I said pushing him out, "stay away from me Colby. I thought you'd do anything for me. Apparently not".

I sat with Kyle for the rest of the night.

Liar Liar- Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now