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I was sat upstairs showing Charlie and Tati how to control their powers.

"It's good your teaching them how to control their powers" Colby said from the door.

"Ok you two. Dinners downstairs. Go asked Katrina if she she can get you some ice cream" I said rushing them away.

I smiled as they ran out and high fived Colby. I started to close my main spellbook.

"Don't close it. Can you show me a couple of the spells?" He asked smiling.

"Why? You only have elemental powers" I said opening it up again.

"That's exactly why. It's nice to see you in your element" he said sitting down in front of me.

"Ok what do you want to see?" I asked smiling.

"Can you make things move without touching them?" He asked smiling.

"Yeah. I do it when I'm laid in bed and I can't be bothered to clean my room" I said smiling.

I grabbed a book and tore it into shreds.

"Watch" I said smiling.

I looked at it and it morphed back into its original shape. He smiled as he flicked through the pages of the book.

"That's so cool. How come your stronger than most witches?" He asked as I blew out my candles.

"When I was 12, in my village there was a huge festival called a harvest where 8 girls of the age of  12 were chosen. I was chosen one year. What they did was they brought you to the main church and they cut your hand open. They put a liquid in there which would help you. And then 4 girls would be chosen. We were all blessed with the elements. This was supposed to send us into a sleep and then we would be resurrected the next week. It was a complete lie though. The liquid they put in your system was poison, the girls chosen, me included weren't blessed. We were cursed. Then they started murdering us. Slitting our throats. We all screamed for mercy. I was held and forced to watch them get murdered. Their powers were passed down the line to me. And when it got to my turn, I got so mad that I murdered them all. Have you any idea why Jackson is so interested in me?" I asked closing my books.

"No. Why?" He asked looking at me.

"After I killed them. I broke down. Jackson ran to me. He took me in and then gave me to my adoptive parents who raised me" I said standing up.

"So is there anymore harvest?" He asked looking at me.

"No. If they were to create another harvest, I would have to be the one to die. As the sacrifice. It cannot be a forced sacrifice, I have to hand myself in. But anyone with common wouldn't" I said putting my books on my shelf.

"But when you were 12, that was seen as a good thing to do?" He asked as I turned around.

"It was seen as respect to our ancestors. But none of mine weren't witches" I said looking at him.

"Your the original. The first of your generation" he said smiling.

"So is Clarissa. However I am stronger than her" I said.

Liar Liar- Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now