The Choosing - Kris

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Hello there! It's been a while since I've last written. These last few weeks have been quite hectic. I've got good news though- it's almost time for the ball!

This week we're going over to Jas' Mum's so that she can fit all of our dresses. I, personally, can't wait to see mine. I can only imagine what she's going to come up with. Jas is quite proud that her Mum is so talented at making dresses.

I'm sure all of us will look amazing in our own creations. I distinctly remember asking for deep blue just because I know with my carrot hair that's the best option to match my alabaster skin. I've grown even more see-through in the last week or so, I swear. 

This morning I rushed through my classes, hardly paying attention because I've been so excited. On my way out of Potions and to meet Millie in our common room, I ran smack dab into someone I'd hoped not to see again.

See, when The Incident- as we've now named it (Millie and I)- occurred, I brought Millie to the infirmary and Madam Pomfrey had me escorted back to my dorm. We passed round the corner where those thugs had beaten up my dear friend, and the seventh year I'd hit with the Curse of the Bogies was still where I left him.

Except his pregnant girlfriend was leaning over him. I could see the tears rolling down her cheeks as she rocked him back and forth in her arms. She chanted his name over and over again and I felt so bad that I almost shed a tear myself. I didn't want to hurt him and I didn't want to break school rules, but he deserved it!

They'd been hurting Millie! What was I supposed to do? I had to protect her.

"Markiss," she cried, kissing his hair. She rested his head on her little baby bump. I wouldn't have seen it through her robes if she hadn't had him resting there.

"Shh, baby," she said, "just listen to her heartbeat. We'll get you all fixed up. Nat, your daddy's going to be just fine." Walking past that hallway and glimpsing that, I felt almost guilty. Almost.

So today, like I said, I ran into her. Can you believe it? The last person I wanted to see. The more I thought about it, the more I felt bad about cursing him. I mean...I still think he completely deserved it, but he's the father of an unborn child!

She glared at me and muttered something about me being a ginger- har, har- as if I hadn't heard that one before. I rolled my eyes and proceeded to wait for a further insult.

"I don't feel like dealing with you right now, you pathetic shrimp. Just move," she clutched her stomach through her robes and pushed her way past me.

I'm surprised she hadn't put more effort into it. I'd heard that she was the Queen of Slytherin and her little friends were her court. I can only imagine what she'll do with those hormones when she finds out I'm the one who cursed him...if she finds out at all! 

I watched her disappear into the girl's wash. I was so afraid that after the event Markiss would have told her all about it.

I've been successful in avoiding the boys- both Millie and I- since The Incident.

Hold on- Millie's calling me.

5 hours or so later.

Anyways, back onto brighter topics! We just had our dress fittings!

My dress looks awesome. Really, I rather quite like it. A deep blue fitted bodice with a mermaid fit at the bottom. My sapphire jeweled mask is going to match perfectly! I feel like a goddess in that dress and I can't wait to wear it to the actual event!

Michael has asked me, and I'm not sure if I'm going to say yes. I know Millie absolutely insists that I do say yes...but I, I've got other hopes. 

I've mentioned the ball in passing to Sirius. I know it's not his style and he about laughed in my face when I did mention it.

"What do you want to go to that stupid thing any for?" He asked as we lay side by side out by the lake. It's hard to explain to a boy that you like why something that's unimportant to them would mean the world to you.

"I don't know," I fudged, "I don't even have anyone to go with. I just thought it would be fun, is all." We both lapsed into a bit of an awkward silence after that. That is, until I used a spell to play a trick on him that got us both in fits of laughter.

I'm getting off topic! Sorry, the girls and I each tried on our dresses and everyone else looks great as well. Most of the girls like Liron, Jas', and mine were different shades of blues. They looked great. 

Marcia's was this gorgeous teal and I was a bit jealous something like that wouldn't look so good on me. I've always thought it was such a pretty color. Gem's dress was quite pretty also, a yellow and green silk material that fit her brilliantly.

I was so happy with my dress though. I can't stop thinking about the ball! It's going to be so much fun. Even if Sirius doesn't ask me, I think I'll turn down Michael. I'd have more fun with my girl-friends, I think.

I've got to go finish this Potions essay. I'll be right back!

Ten minutes later...

AHA! I'm finished!

I've just got one more quick note before bed.

We picked the inter-school team today! I did awesome at try-outs! I really, truly think I would have gotten the last chaser spot, if not for a few things.

First off- Markiss was vying for the spot as well. Besides the fact that he's a seventh year, he recognised me. He made sure I knew it too- on top of every bloody ball I could have gone for!

There was one I purposely avoided so that he wouldn't have to knock me off my broom to get to it. As much as I hate to admit it, he intimidated me into losing a potential spot. I am spitting mad at myself, but there's only so much I can do now.

Sirius tells me I shouldn't dwell on it. He keeps teasing me that the boys would have been rude to me anyways and that he couldn't always have my back.

Which reminds me- the rest of the team! Sirius and Regulus secured the other chaser spots with Markiss. James is the seeker, naturally. Mulciber (shiver) and Avery are the Beaters (I'm actually kind of glad I'm not going to be on the retrospect) and Alexis is the keeper!

I think we really have a chance!

That's all for now!

Love you lots, Kris

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