The Reaction - Jasmine

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So I'll get Mum to see what she can do and when she can come up to Hogsmeade for a design session, yeah?

I sent the message across to Gem's diary. This ball is going to be amazing! Not that we know when it is yet, but it's never to early to start planning an outfit, right? And with my Mum being a designer, I'm allowed to abuse the right for her making me and Gem a dress each. It's not like I ask her to do it very often, and most of the time she's asking me to model or help design her dresses anyway, I'm sure she'll be fine with it.

So, as I'm sure my wonderful mother shall oblige kindly, I have already began on designs, some very classy, 50's style dresses with a halterneck; others princess-style in varying colours and materials. I have a bit of a flair for fashion too, I learnt from the best! So Diary, I say this now - please remind me later on before I finish up this entry - Remind me to write to Mum.

I'm sitting on the stairs right now; perhaps a little strange, but there's this awesome window just down from the Ravenclaw Tower that I love to sit in, and I can see all the way out over the grounds - as far as the Quidditch Pitch on a clear day. Not tonight though, it's a super bright sunset and the light streaming through the window is an orange-pink. It's so bright I can only just see without being completely blinded, and only as far as the edge of the Black Lake. In fact, if I look just beyond the sun's blazing rays, I think I can see the moon, huge and perfectly round, hanging in the sky.

Anyway, besides the fascinating scenery, and dress designs, it's been a pretty average week. Gemini is still teasing Regulus with her wily ways, and she's only just forgiven me for leaving with Sirius after their little bust-up over the Black brother's relationship currently; tense to say the very least. But we're good now that I've promised to help her sort the pair out... and help her with anything she needs - be it ballgown, homework or boys. I'm such a good friend, I swear: it's ridiculous really. Like we were in Charms class today, and the professor set us a fourteen inch essay on the practical uses of the healing spell Episkey , for next Tuesday. And Gem decided she knew very little on the subject-

There's a Hogsmeade weekend next month if she's around. That'd be good; get things started early. Well Jas, see you at breakfast tomorrow, Night x

Ok, Night Gem x

Sorry for that interruption, as I was saying... - and so I have been roped in this evening to tell her what it's all about and help her write her essay, as well as doing my own. Plus I promised Sirius I'd check over his Potions work. He's really clever, he just never sounds it on paper because he has no idea how to get the ideas from his head onto a page so they make sense.

Talking of Sirius, I think that's them down by the Lake just there. They're all silhouetted in black against the orange light reflecting off the water. I think I'm going to stop writing this now and head down to see them. I'm not tired and I need to see when Sirius wants me to check his work for him. So I shall finish up now and continue later on.


Gem! Where are you? I need to speak with you now! Sirius... I just... please come now, I'll be in the Entrance Hall...

I can't believe he just did that. I had walked outside, bare-feet in the grass, and head raised to the sky, and that moon - so bright. I'd spotted them, still by the Lake but a little further round, closer to that strange tree they planted the other year - The Whomping Willow or something. As I drifted closer, marvelling at Sirius who was now laying on his back, hands behind his head, staring up at the sky, the others suddenly began whispering and pointing. Sirius' head suddenly whipped round and scrambled to his feet. They began to walk in the opposite direction, away from me, panic written all over their faces as they turned away.

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