The Celebrations - Gemini

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Why hello there.

So, today is the day. Excited doesn't even begin to describe how I am feeling.

If you're wondering what the celebrations are about, then let me explain (because Jasmine had to clarify it to myself numerous times earlier in class):

Basically, it has been 1000 years since us witches and wizards began to be educated. Hogwarts, of course, is the main point for the celebration being one of the oldest Wizarding schools. But before that we used to be taught by community wizard teachers who would assemble the younger generation for secret lessons. The Muggles were ignorantly oblivious, of course.

I hear it's going to be a little bit like the muggle's Olympics - with schools from the other countries coming over here to compete in competitions.

But it's not the sports I'm interested in... It's the parties!

Those, however, are in a few days time. Today we're welcoming our guests and having the Opening Ceremony. It's all been kept quite hush-hush, but rumour has it that Karl and Kevin Broadmoor, the two twin Beaters in the Falmouth Falcons, are going to be coming.

And if I can up my game a little, I should be able to use those two to make Regulus jealous. 

That sounds evil doesn't it? I should be making him want me by acting like a good girl, but to be honest I can't be bothered to charm him into wanting me. That takes too much effort, and I'm pretty sure having a flirt with someone else will do the trick.

Anyway, I'm going to have to leave you here because everything starts in an hour and I need to get ready!


The Hall is bustling with activity as our House assembles at our table, all of us dressed in the most immaculate uniform we own. It may be said that we are snobs, but we do know how to look good. 

I can see Jasmine from my seat and I shoot her a quick smile before my mind is drawn to the front where Dumbledore is standing, gently tapping a crystal glass to get our attention.

"Welcome everybody," he says in his deep, thoughtful voice - I always find him quite easy to listen to, but some of the others in Slytherin would disagree. In fact I think I can see Mulciber yawning already. "As you all know, Hogwarts will be the home for many wizards and witches for the coming celebrations. I have no doubt that you will all behave adequately and represent our school with pride, but I will warn you now that if anyone tries to disrupt our events, they will be expelled with immediate consequences."

My eyes are instantly on The Marauders, and I wonder if perhaps they had anything planned. Sirius certainly looks a little sheepish, but that could just be him pulling faces per usual.

"Now," Dumbledore continues. "We welcome the Minister of Magic." He gestured to the left of him, and a man that looked vaguely familiar strode onto the stage. I'm pretty sure I've seen him in the papers before, but I don't tend to keep up with politics.

"I want to thank you all for attending today..."

And that's when I zone out. Not because his speech is boring - which unsurprisingly it is - but because I catch sight of Regulus down the table. He's staring at me with his piercing eyes, but as soon as I notice him he averts his gaze.


After what seems like an age, we are ushered outside to welcome the other schools. Hogwart's grounds - usually a quiet, peaceful and somewhat picturesque landscape - is now covered in tents. Banners and flags blow in the breeze as Dumbledore assembles us and the foreign students together in a large circle.

The blue of the Beauxbatons is easy to pick out, as is the red of the Durmstrang wizards and witches. There are a few peculiar looking groups of people, and schools who's names I've either forgotten or never bothered to learn.

I fiddle absent mindedly with my tie as we wait for everyone to quieten down. Across the wide expanse of grass between us, I see Liron Vain - a Ravenclaw - step up to a floating microphone which is raised on a platform above everyone else. She's the school's best singer, and a hush of respect falls upon us Hogwarts students as we know she'll put on a good show.

Yet it still takes a few more moments for everyone else to settle, and, looking seemingly irked, Liron begins to sing.

Well, it certainly shuts them up.

The song is sweet, if not rather long. I can feel my legs beginning to ache as we stand there in the shadow of the castle, the sun shining down on the lake behind everyone and reflecting prettily off the water. Even I'll admit, it's nice.

There's a deafening applause for the Ravenclaw as she finishes, and Dumbledore and the Minister of Magic replace her. I notice, with a smile of surprise, that they have a dragon with them. It's a tiny thing, and looks as old as the two wizard's ages combined, if not more.

The beast opens it's jaws and, with a puff of smoke, emits a ring of fire from it's aged mouth. The embers expand out above our heads before disappearing into the air.

"I would like to give a warm welcome and firm shake of the hand to all our guests here today," Dumbledore says, his voice echoing out over the crowd. "It is an honour to have you with us, and we hope that your time here is most entertaining."

He clears his throat noisily before continuing. "We have many events planned for you all, including the Interschool Quidditch Cup-" There's a roar of approval as he says this, and I suppress the urge to roll my eyes. No doubt my mother will be coming to that, seeing as she's an official Quidditch Scout for the professional teams. It'll be nice to see her, and even nicer to be known to everyone as her daughter - fame in the sporting world is a wonderful perk of her job.

"-the masked ball-" A far more feminine cheer carrys across the grounds in response.

"-and many other things to keep you all amused. So, with that, I wish you all the best of luck, and hope that you enjoy your time with us here at Hogwarts, celebrating one thousand years of magical education."

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