The Next Day - Kristina

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Thank you@MoonPrancerxoxo This is dedicated to you because you read it first, and helped motivate me to finish it and not get distracted :)

Entry 1

Hello, world! Kristina-Marie Cox here, reporting in at the start of a brand new day!

I know, I know, I should have started this diary last night, after the feast. Well, don’t look at me –

Ok, do look at me, but it was all Amelia’s fault! She dragged me down to play a devilish game of dares as soon as we arrived back in the Ravenclaw common room. I swear my pinkie is never going to function properly again –

Alright, Millie, I’m coming!


Amelia ‘Millie’ Lucas may be my best friend ever, but sometimes she can be a bit of a nag. I mean, who needs to eat? Really? I guess it is essential to life, but missing breakfast to finish my diary wouldn’t have done anyone any harm, would it?

Mind you, I’m still stuffed from the feast last night. I’ve only been here three years – the food has improved each time, I swear!

As I walked into the Great Hall, being dragged along by Millie, as usual, I couldn’t help but search the Gryffindor table for one of my best friends, Sirius Black, and his gang. I easily spotted his curled black hair next to a tall redhead named Lily. I wondered if James had had anything to do with this arrangement.

“Still pining after Sirius, Kris?” Amelia joked, pulling my attention away from Sirius. I pushed her lightly, grinning.

“No, of course not!” I blushed. “It’s just because he ran away in the summer, remember? I told you about it. I haven’t seen him since last year.” Amelia just winked knowingly.

“Don’t worry, I’ll keep your secrets; that’s if the rest of our year doesn’t already know that you fancy a NEWT student!” she teased, pulling at my hair.

“Millie!” I yelled, mortified; earning some strange stares from various students. Of course, it only took them a moment to recognise my reddish hair and vampiric complexion, and go back to their own breakfast.

“I hate you,” I whispered, sliding onto the table next to a tall 6th year. Millie sat down beside me and grabbed a piece of toast.

“If you would just date one of the guys in our year, or even the year above, there’d be no need for rumours,” Millie pointed out through a mouthful of food. I groaned.

“Not again, Millie!” I sighed, although by that time, I’d given up on all hope of her not bothering me about it.

You see, Millie thinks that this totally hot guy called Michael is the perfect match for me. She’s been trying to get us together for months now, and it doesn’t help that Michael has a massive crush on me, either. It’s not that I don’t like him, he’s a nice guy; he’s just not right for me.

“You know, I don’t know why you two don’t just get together,” she continued, now eating a sausage. “Popular girl, popular guy, it’s the perfect match!”

“Sirius is popular too,” I muttered, suddenly losing my appetite.

“He’s too old! Wait ‘til you’re doing your OWLs before you start going after the older boys, Kris.”

Brilliant, another fantastic piece of advice from ‘Ask Millie – help with your love life, even if you really don’t want or need it!’  But Millie’s like that – always trying to help others, and oblivious to the rejections and ‘shut up!’ that she usually gets. She’s just that type of girl; always bouncing back, never down. I envy her for it. The ability to shape the world to one’s desires with just the imagination but be a god-sent gift indeed!

I, on the other hand, get what I want by doing stuff. I live in the real world, which can be harsh, but at least it’s not some fantasy in my head. I wouldn’t have anything if I hadn’t worked for it.

Not that I work that hard. I mean, sneaking out every other night to prank does nothing for one’s beauty sleep, let me tell you! By the end of the school year, I’ll be falling asleep in class. My brother helps with that, though. Did I mention him before?

It appears that I did, but only briefly. Let me introduce you to my family –

After potions

And then the bell went for class. Can you believe my luck? Anyway, back to family.

I am the 3rd child in my family. The oldest and first is my sister, Evelyn. She’s in Gryffindor, and I love her to pieces! I first met – well properly met – Sirius when they started dating, back in her 3rd year. But I’m getting sidetracked again!

She has the same hair as me, except hers is blonde, and her eyes are bright blue. I’m so jealous of her natural beauty. No one likes a ginger, see? There’s that whole ‘gingers have no souls’ thing, and the fact that my hair isn’t even a nice ginger. It’s carrot orange. Who wants carrots for hair?

Then there’s my brother. He has ginger hair exactly like mine, and the same brown eyes as me. He’s also a Ravenclaw, and always helps me with homework, if I get stuck. He’s already done it, and because he’s so clever, he can remember it, too!

Then there’s my younger sister, Lillith. She’s the cutest little girl you’ll ever see, with her huge green eyes and dark auburn locks. I love her the most of anyone in the world! She’s so special to our family. She has severe autism and dyslexia, and my parents are worried that she’s a squib. Time will tell, though, as her Hogwarts letter, if she gets one, is going to come this summer! I’m an optimist, or I try to be. I know she’s going to get her letter. Don’t ask how, I just know it.

We made a shrinking solution in Potions today! Millie and I worked together, as usual, and with Professor Slughorn as our teacher, the class went very well! He’s a very fun teacher to have, unlike Professor Binns. He just drones on and on and on –

I have to go now, Amelia is yet again dragging me from you, readers. Hopefully next time, I’ll have more time to write!



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