Chapter Twenty-Five

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((Trigger warning: physical abuse))

Keith woke up screaming. His hair and shirt stuck to his body with sweat. Frantically he looked around for Lance, unsure as to where his alpha was. 

"Lance?! Lance?!" He cried, tears forming in his eyes as he felt around his bed for his boyfriend. 

Shiro heard Keith screaming and rushed into his brother's room. The hallway light lit the elder up from behind, leaving him a dark shadow. "Keith, what's wrong?"

Keith's head shot up and his eyes widened. He scrambled back into the corner, whimpering. He pulled his blanket up around himself, hiding his body from sight. Without light to see Shiro's face, the silhouette was nearly identical to his father's. Shiro had the same broad shoulders and tall stature. 

"N-no! Don't hurt me!" Keith shrieked, tears streaming down his cheeks. "I-I'm sorry, Dad! D-don't hurt me!"

At the sound of Keith's terrified, broken voice, Shiro felt his heart clench. "Keith, it's just Shiro," He kept his voice low and soft, knowing that if he was harsh, his little brother would freak out more. "I'm not going to hurt you. I promise."

Keith whined, shaking in the corner. Shiro kept speaking softly and slowly. He didn't move, either.

After a few minutes, Keith realized that the person in his doorway was indeed his brother and not his father. He relaxed and let the blanket drop. His hands twitched on his lap and tears dripped down his cheeks. 

"It's okay, buddy. I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise," Shiro reiterated. "Do you want to sleep with Adam and me tonight?"

Keith nodded slightly, biting his lip with embarrassment. He wanted to get up, but he couldn't move. He hated that. Whenever this happened he felt awful about himself. He despised being a burden to those around him, especially his brother. 

"Can I come in?"

Keith nodded again, afraid that his voice would break if he spoke. Shiro slowly stepped into the room, not making any sudden movements. 

"Can I pick you up?" Shiro asked, standing at the foot of his brother's bed. 

For a third time, Keith nodded. He grabbed his stuffed Mothman that he'd gotten for Christmas when he was about ten before Shiro gently picked him up bridal style. Keith buried his face in Shiro's neck, his shoulders shaking as he tried not to cry.

"You're okay. You're safe with me. I won't let anyone hurt you," Shiro said as he carried his brother to the master bedroom where Adam sat propped up on his elbows. 

Keith used to sleep with Shiro and Adam when he was much younger. After Adam and Shiro bonded, Shiro spent more time over at his mate's house. He would always stay at the house with Keith until the younger brother fell asleep, though. He also tended to stay about an hour after Keith fell asleep to make sure that the small omega didn't have nightmares. 

Whenever their father beat Keith black and blue, Shiro would take his little brother over to Adam's house. Adam's parents were more than happy to allow Shiro and Keith to stay with them. They would serve the brothers dinner and made sure Keith felt comfortable. Keith mostly stuck to his brother's side and barely talked except for saying quiet 'thank you's and 'please's. He didn't let the adults dress his wounds because he thought he would get in trouble. No matter how many times Adam and Shiro reassured him that nobody would get mad, Keith never believed them and only let Shiro take care of him. 

At night, Keith would curl up against his brother's side and cling to the fabric of Shiro's shirt. Adam was content to rest his head on Shiro's chest, laying on the elder's other side. Sometimes, Shiro would sing or recite a fairy tale to lull Keith to sleep. Listening to Shiro's rough voice and heartbeat almost always kept Keith from having nightmares. 

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