Chapter Ten

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((Thank you for your support!! Check out my other stories if you want. I have some Voltron short stories and some stories of my own creation. Anyway, happy reading! - Wolfie))

Keith opened the door to his apartment, Lance standing behind him with his hands shoved into his pockets and looking around. 

"Shiro! I'm-" Keith cut himself off when he saw someone he'd never thought he'd see again.

Long white hair tumbled down his back and he stood at six foot two. Thick, lean muscle encased his body and showed through the skin-tight lavender shirt he wore. His skin was a shade lighter than the caramel color of Lance's. His deep purple eyes were shut as he laughed at something Shiro said.

"Lotor?!" Keith cried, forgetting everything as he launched himself at the older man. He collided with his old friend, wrapping himself around Lotor's torso.

"Whoa!" Lotor laughed, staggering backward from the force. He hugged Keith back, grinning. "Hey, little buddy. Miss me?"

"I thought I'd never see you again!" Keith exclaimed, burying his face in Lotor's strong chest. 

"I was in town and thought I'd stop by. I'm moving to the outskirts of town, maybe a fifteen-minute drive from your school," Lotor explained, stroking Keith's hair gently with a fond look in his eyes. 

Lotor moved away when Keith was twelve. His father had gotten a better job in California and they didn't want to have the family separated. Lotor had gone to school with Shiro and they were really good friends. Occasionally, when Shiro had to work, Lotor would look after Keith so he wouldn't have to be at home. Apparently, Shiro had kept in touch with his high school friend. 

"That's great! I'm so glad you're back," Keith squeezed the taller man tighter, pushing his head up into Lotor's hand. 

Lance stood in the doorway, stomach churning. The alpha inside him raged at the sight of Keith being so friendly with another alpha that wasn't Shiro. His face had drawn into a grimace as he looked at Keith hugging Lotor. 

"I'm glad to be back. Maybe we can go out for lunch next weekend and catch up?" The older male offered, tilting his head, still running his fingers through Keith's black hair. 

"Mmm, sounds good," Keith hummed, beginning to purr. His chest vibrated against Lotor's, making the bigger man grin. 

"I forgot how much you liked having your hair pet," Lotor chuckled, making Lance let out a low growl. 

His blue eyes flashed with anger as he looked at Keith and Lotor. He clenched his fists at his sides, nails digging into the skin. Keith radiated a happy scent. The scent of the air when it was just about to rain. Lance's hands had begun to shake in his pockets, blood boiling. Keith wasn't his omega. Lance knew that. He couldn't help but get angry when he saw Keith happy with someone other than him. He ached for Keith to come to him when he needed cheering up. He doubted that would happen though. Regardless of the moment that morning and their kiss the night before, Lance doubted that Keith would ever look at him with love in his deep purple eyes. 

"Lance? What's wrong?" Keith let go of Lotor and turned to face his team captain with a worried look on his face. He could smell cinnamon and cloves, strongly. Lotor and Shiro didn't smell like that. 

"Oh, nothing!" Lance lied through his teeth, forcing a smile. "I'm fine. Who's this?"

"Um... Okay..." Keith mumbled, knowing full well that Lance wasn't okay. "This is Lotor. He's an old friend of Shiro's. He would look after me sometimes when Shiro had work." 

"Uh-huh. Cool," Lance replied through gritted teeth. "I'll see you at school tomorrow?"

"You can stay for a bit, if you want," Keith offered, wondering why Lance was acting so strange. 

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