Chapter Sixteen

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Keith pouted up at Lance from his spot on the couch, arms crossed and bottom lip pushed out. Lance stood in front of the omega, dressed in jeans and a black tank top that showed off his toned biceps wonderfully. His backpack hung from his shoulder by one strap.

"I'm sorry, babe. I can't miss any more school. I would stay here with you, but if I get another absent I might not graduate on time," Lance explained, trying to console his boyfriend.

"Please?" Keith whined, making puppy eyes at the soft-hearted alpha.

Lance groaned, running a hand down his face. "Okay. Let's make a deal, huh? I stay home with you for an extra two hours, then I go to school."

"Deal!" Keith instantly perked up, reaching out for Lance, making grabby hands.

Lance sighed, grinning as he dropped his backpack on the floor. He kicked off his shoes before sitting down next to Keith on the couch. Keith promptly climbed onto Lance, settling himself on his alpha's lap, snuggling up against him.

"What am I gonna do with you?" Lance laughed, reaching up and petting Keith's hair.

"Hm, treat me like royalty," He joked, nuzzling his head into Lance's hand.

"As you wish, Your Majesty," Lance booped Keith on the nose, smiling his crooked smile.

Keith chuckled, relaxing in Lance's strong arms. Keith was slowly getting more comfortable around Lance, even though the alpha already knew everything that Keith wanted to be kept secret. Typing something to another person behind a screen felt a lot safer than talking about it face-to-face.

"Can we watch Netflix?" Keith looked up at Lance, gnawing at his lip.

"Of course, baby. What did you wanna watch?" Lance leaned over to the side, groping for the Roku remote. He turned on the TV, waiting for it to boot up.

"I dunno. Whatever you wanna watch," Keith answered with a shrug.

"All righty then! My Little Pony it is then!" Lance cheered, clicking on the Netflix app.

Keith simply laughed shaking his head, allowing Lance to do what he wanted. He felt happy just being held in Lance's lap watching a show.

"Okay," Keith agreed, pecking Lance on the cheek. He rested his head on Lance's shoulder, taking in his smell and warmth.

"Really? I thought you would be incredibly opposed." Lance truly was shocked that Keith agreed to watch the kid's show with him.

"It's fine. I just wanna stay with you," Keith sighed happily, turning his attention to the TV screen where the cartoon had begun.

"Aw! You're so cute," Lance praised, kissing the top of Keith's head.

Keith blushed deeply, hiding his face with a whine. "No, I'm not," He mumbled.

"Are too."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Ugh! Fine. You win," Keith gave up, still keeping his face hidden. He didn't want to spend the next twenty minutes arguing about something that he knew Lance would never give up on. He might as well let the energetic alpha have this.

"Yay!" Lance cheered, hugging Keith gently.

"Shut up, loverboy," Keith teased, giggling softly.

"Make me," Lance challenged, smirking.

Keith rolled his eyes, giving in and kissing Lance on the mouth, reaching up to cup his cheek. Lance kissed back right away, hands settled on Keith's hips. With a hum, Keith moved his lips against Lance's slowly. He loved how soft the Cuban's lips were and how well they fit against his own. He couldn't get enough of how Lance's gentle touches made him go crazy. Their bodies seemed to fit together like puzzle pieces.

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