Chapter Two

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"Shiro! I'm back!" Keith called, his helmet tucked under his arm and his bags on his shoulders. He kicked off his boots, leaving them in the doorway. 

"Hey! I was just about to leave for work. There's leftovers in the fridge. Or you can go get McDonald's or something," Keith's older brother stepped out of his room at the end of the hallway in the apartment. He stood in the doorway to the room, tightening his black tie. "Are you sure Dad's okay with you staying here tonight?"

"Eh. I doubt he'll care. He's probably too drunk off his ass right now to even notice I'm not home from the game yet," Keith laughed bitterly as he shrugged off his jacket after dumping his bags on the floor. 

"If you say so," Shiro sighed, coming up to his brother and ruffling his hair. Keith laughed, swatting at his brother's arm. "I need to get going. I'll see you tomorrow morning. I'll make you breakfast, too."

"You expect me to get up early? Hah!" Keith chuckled, punching Shiro's shoulder playfully. 

"Damn right, I do! If I'm up early, you're up early!" Shiro captured Keith's neck in a headlock and rubbed his knuckles along Keith's scalp. Keith laughed as he pushed against Shiro's arm, using his brother's weight as leverage and flipping the bigger male over his body and onto the floor. Shiro gasped as the air was knocked out of his lungs, but he smiled up at his small brother. "Getting better, huh? I knew teaching you that stuff was a good idea."

Keith huffed, crossing his arms and smirking as he looked down with a triumphant glint in his eyes. "Fine. I'll get up early. But only if it's pancakes."

"Deal. Now seriously, I've got to go," Shiro pushed himself up, dusting himself off as he slipped his feet into the shiny black dress shoes next to the door. He grabbed his jacket from the hook behind the door and with one last ruffle of Keith's hair, he grinned and left for his shift at the club he worked at. 

Keith hummed in response, stretching his arms out above his head. "See you tomorrow morning. Have fun," He squeaked through his stretch. Shiro laughed as he shut the door. Keith flicked the lock before gathering up his bags and bringing them to his room. 

Shiro had only just moved in, but he'd made sure that Keith had a room to live in. It was still sparse, but it was enough. There was a bed, a desk, a bookshelf, a dresser, a closet, and a nightstand with a lamp on it. He'd brought most of his stuff from his dad's house over to Shiro's. But there was still some stuff over at the bungalow. He didn't have many possessions anyway, but the few he did have were mostly at Shiro's house. 

Keith knew he should do his math homework, but his body felt like a ton of bricks. He threw his jacket onto the floor, not caring about where it landed. Collapsing face-first onto his red fleece blanket, he sighed, burrowing his head into his hippo pillow pet he'd had since he was five. He closed his eyes, taking deep breaths, thinking about his day. It had gone surprisingly well, considering. He'd won the game, his team was going to regionals, and he didn't have to be at his dad's house. 

As he thought about his day, a single image kept coming back to poke at him. Lance. The incredibly attractive captain of his team. His smile. His laugh. Just everything about him. Keith growled at himself, shaking his head to rid Lance from his thoughts. Reaching over to his nightstand, he felt around for his phone, not bothering to look. Finally, he grasped the cool material in his palm and pulled his arm back. He flipped onto his back as he pressed his thumb against the home button to unlock it. Keith opened up Instagram and pressed his DM box immediately, not bothering to check the likes and comments section or to scroll through his feed. 

EmoSamurai: Nyehhhhhhhhh

EmoSamurai: Halp meh

Loverboy_Sharpshooter: Wadda ya need?

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