Chapter Seven

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((AND NOW THE MOMENT WE'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!! Welcome one and all to the party at Lance's house! There is drinking in this chapter, but it's not too excessive. Anyways, thanks for the support! Now, let's see where this goes, shall we? - Wolfie))

"Welcome!" Lance opened the door to his spacious house with a flourish, a wide smile on his face. "To my humble abode." He threw his hands out wide before making a big show of bowing, sending a wink to Allura. 

Lance wore a tight-fitting black shirt, the hems of the sleeves straining against the swell of his toned biceps. The cloth clung to his body, showing off his defined pecs and the slight curve of his hips. His blue skinny jeans sat low on his hips, the elastic band of his boxers peeking out slightly from under the denim. A small strip of tan skin showed for a moment, giving Keith a glimpse of the sharp hipbones. 

"In your dreams, Lance," She whispered to him as she passed, her sequined light blue dress shimmered and sparkled in the light as she sauntered past their host. 

Keith nervously stood in the doorway, unsure what to do as he shifted from foot to foot, fidgeting with his fingers. "You coming, honeybadger?" Lance purred, standing back up and glancing over his shoulder with a smirk. 

"Ah! Yes! S-sorry," Keith stuttered, quickly rushing by the lanky alpha and latching on to Allura's arm. "Remind me why you convinced me to come again?" 

"Because it will be fun," Allura soothed, leading them into the kitchen. An array of different party foods and drinks lined the island in the center of the kitchen. "What do you want to drink?" She held two red Solo cups in her ringed fingers. 

She had gone all out with her outfit for this party. Keith couldn't help but wonder who she was trying to impress. Her dress didn't have straps and an oval had been cut out in the center of the cloth, beginning just below the space between her breasts and ending just below her belly button. The empty area showed off her flat stomach and belly button piercing. The light blue gem glittered in the light, matching with the sparkling of her dress. Her hair cascaded in waves down her bare shoulders and back, baby blue glitter caught in the strands. In the hour before they had come to the party she had been doing her makeup. Shimmery light blue eyeshadow, pastel pink lipstick, eyeliner, and a dusting of fine glitter over her cheeks. White fishnet stockings ended just below the bottom of her dress, about mid-thigh. She wore a simple pair of baby blue flats bedazzled with sequins to match the rest of her outfit. 

"Oh! Uh, water?" Keith said, his voice lilting as if it were a question. He didn't know why he was here. He felt incredibly uncomfortable in a strange house with loud music and in clothes he didn't much care for. Not to mention, the house was filled with alphas. 

"Okay," Allura stepped over to the sink and turned on the faucet, filling the cup. 

Keith wore the purple skinny jeans and the baseball tee, along with a purple and black flannel with a Cheshire cat printed on the back in white. He'd decided on wearing his red converse, regardless of the fact that Allura wanted him not to. She had managed to get him to agree to let her put some makeup on him. His eyelids felt sticky and heavy from the eyeliner. His lips had been lined with strawberry lip gloss, giving them an enticing sheen. 

"You look really nice, by the way," commented Allura as she handed him the cup before filling her own with fruit punch. Keith blushed deeply, the tips of his ears even turning pink. 

"Thanks..." He muttered into his cup. "You look nice, too."

"Hey! You two!" Keith jumped at the sudden shout, scuttling behind Allura. "Come out and join us for some Truth or Dare!" Lance stood in the doorway, grinning away at the two. 

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