Chapter One

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((Henlo there! This is my first full-on fanfiction about Klance. I tend to do mostly one-shots and write my own creative stories. This is also an omegaverse, which is new to me. If I make some mistakes, please point them out! I will do my best to fix them. There will be lots and lots of angst in this book. I will mention any specifics at the beginning of a chapter if there is a large portion of angst. There will be smexy times *wink wonk*. If I do make grammar mistakes, PLEASE do not point them out. I go back and reread my chapters multiple times so I can fix the mistakes. Welp, that's all from me! Happy reading and thanks for the support!!))

Wet, heavy air filled his lungs as he sprinted down the field, the grass-stained ball rolling in front of him. Adrenaline coursed through his veins. The soccer field was his domain. His kingdom. He could manipulate the players on both teams to make them do what he wanted. He ruled the game. Everyone followed his lead, even though he wasn't the captain. The dull roar of the crowd in the bleachers filled his ears, meshing with the sound of his blood rushing. His heart thundered in his chest, rattling his ribcage as he ran, dribbling the ball expertly down the field. Always aware of all his surroundings, he dodged one of the tall defenders of the opposing team, unfazed by the intense alpha pheromones. The only obstacle left was the goalie, standing with his legs apart and arms open, eyes trained on the ball. Five seconds left on the clock. Five more yards to the goal. Growling, he gave one last push to his legs, kicking one leg out and sliding across the damp grass, staining his pale skin and white jersey green. In slow motion, the ball whizzed in between the goalie's outspread legs with blinding speed. The crowd erupted in screams and applause, the marching band beginning to play the school's fight song. His team rushed up to him, hoisting him up into the air, beaming up at the smallest player. 

"C'mon, guys! Let me down!" He laughed, jet black hair plastered to his neck and forehead. 

"Amazing! Keith, great job!" His team showered him with praises as they set him on the ground and allowed him to catch his breath. 

"Thanks. It wasn't all me though. You guys kept them from scoring with your awesome defense," Keith chuckled, nervously rubbing the back of his neck, looking at his cleats to hide his embarrassment. He had never been one to take compliments well. 

"Doesn't matter! You're still our main scorer. I don't even want to think about where we would be if you hadn't decided to join up!" A hand slapped him on the back, making him jump. He whipped his head to the side, eyes wide. 

There stood the captain and the central defender of the team. Lance McLain. Lance fucking McLain. In all his awkward glory. His hazelnut and chocolate brown hair stood in disheveled spikes and glistened with sweat. The beautiful tan of his skin shimmered in the fading sunlight, the orange rays outlining his head like a halo. His ocean blue eyes glittered with pride as he gazed fondly down at the striker of the team. He looked at Keith with that stupid lopsided grin. And he wrapped one of his stupid long arms around the omega's shoulders, giving him a squeeze. 

"I don't like being touched," Keith muttered, squirming away from Lance. He wanted to be close to the alpha, though he would never admit it. Their relationship was... complicated. So to speak. 

"Right! Sorry. Good game, though!" Lance clapped his hands together, addressing the whole team. "We're going to regionals! So, from now on, I want you all here early to practice before school and stay late to practice! We need to work our asses off if we're gonna move to nationals! We didn't make it last year, but we will this year! We have Keith now! But we can't just rely on him to do all the scoring. I want the rest of you to work hard, too. That game was hard on all of us, so I'm giving you the rest of the week off. Get rest and relax. You earned it."

"Off to the showers!" The full-back, Rolo, pumped his hand in the air, making a ridiculous show of marching off the field. The rest of the team ran after him, laughing among themselves. Lance stayed behind on the field with Keith as they slowly made their way to the locker room. 

Out of Your LeagueOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora