Chapter Twelve

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((Welcome to chapter twelve! This chapter will be angsty as well, but not as bad as the last chapter. The main trigger warnings are self-harm and physical abuse. Again, thank you for all the support you guys, gals, and non-binary pals (Quote Thomas Sanders) have given me. I really appreciate it. Enjoy this next chapter! - Wolfie))

Keith sat upon the toilet in silence as Veronica rubbed Neosporin onto his scrapes and cuts. Every so often he winced as she wrapped gauze bandages around his wrists, shoulder, feet, and ankles. When she reached his face, he instinctively flinched away, earning a sympathetic gaze from both Lance and his older sister. 

"D-don't look at me like that..." Keith whispered, not meeting their gazes as Veronica gently rubbed burn cream onto his cheek before covering it up with a gauze pad, using medical tape to secure it. 

The brother and sister swapped glances, one that only they could understand. Keith bit his lip, looking down as he began to tremble slightly. He could feel tears pool in his eyes as Veronica continued to bandage him. 

"There! All patched up!" Veronica smiled with a tilt of her head. Keith nodded, curling in on himself. "You can get dressed now." Lance's sister stood up, taking her first aid kit with her. 

"I brought you some clothes," Lance held out a soft cotton baby blue shirt and a pair of red flannel pants. 

"Thanks," Keith managed a small smile as he took the clothes from Lance. "I-I really am sorry... I didn't know where else to go..." 

"Keith, it's okay. You can come here any time," Lance replied, leaning against the wall. He tilted his head as he observed the slim omega. He could see Keith's collarbone, shoulder blades, ribs, and hipbones through his pale, scarred skin. He hadn't taken the time to notice just how skinny the striker of the team was. "You're so skinny. I'll make you dinner tonight." 

Keith blushed, looking away as he pulled on the shirt and wiggled into the pajama bottoms. "N-no... You don't have to do that..." The omega whispered. "I've already caused enough trouble..."

"I know I don't have to. I want to, so I'm going to anyway," Lance confirmed, offering a hand to Keith. Shakily, Keith stood, only to yelp and fall back down. 

"M-my feet..." Keith murmured, keeping himself from looking at Lance. He felt awful for causing trouble for him. He hated that he had to rely on others for help when it was something he could handle on his own. 

"Hmm... Then I'll carry you," Lance replied with a shrug. He stooped down to Keith's level before scooping the smaller male into his arms, bridal style. Instinctively, Keith wrapped his arms around Lance's neck to keep himself from falling. His heart hammered against his chest. Lance's scent invaded his senses, making his head fuzzy. Unconsciously, Keith nuzzled his face into the crook of Lance's neck, nose against the scent gland. As Lance carried him downstairs to the kitchen, Keith closed his eyes as he breathed in the soothing smell of autumn leaves. 

"You're so warm..." Keith mewed, trying to get closer to Lance. 

"And you're cute," Lance chuckled, the sound vibrating in his chest. 

"No," Keith drew out the syllable, blushing deeply. "I'm not."

"But you are. You're cute and pretty and handsome and perfect."

"I'm really not... But thank you," Keith smiled a little, sitting down on a stool at the kitchen island. 

"You are. And I will tell you every day until you believe me," Lance said firmly, going over to the fridge to rifle through the ingredients. 

Keith couldn't help the smile that spread across his face. Nobody had ever offered to tell him things like that every day. Nobody had ever cared enough. "What's for dinner?" He quickly changed the subject, not wanting to talk about himself anymore. 

"Medianoche. It's a Cuban sandwich that my mom makes really well," Lance replied, his Spanish accent coming out slightly. 

Lance spread out the ingredients and began to prepare the sandwich, humming softly to himself as he did so. Keith propped his chin up with his hands, elbows on the cool granite countertop. He watched as Lance made him dinner, heart swelling. Ever since his mom left, he'd had to make his own dinner. Occasionally, on Shiro's day off, he would cook, but most of the time Shiro wanted to relax; usually with his boyfriend, Adam. 

Within about twenty minutes, Lance finished making Keith's dinner. "Here," Lance slid a plate across the counter, two sandwiches cut in half diagonally on top of the ceramic. "What do you want to drink? I also have chips."

"Water is fine... And you don't have to give me chips."

"I know. We have Ruffles, Cheetos, barbeque Lays," Lance offered, turning to face Keith.

"I'll take Cheetos, then," Keith gave up, knowing that Lance would just continue to push him if he said no. 

Lance nodded, smiling triumphantly as he poured a decent amount of puffs into a bowl. He got Keith a glass of cold water with ice. He set both of them down next to Keith's sandwiches. "Disfrutar." 

"Thanks..." Keith took a tentative bite, swallowing uncertainly. He found that he really enjoyed the sandwich and began to eat incredibly fast. His stomach demanded food. He never ate breakfast and hardly ever ate lunch. Some days he wouldn't eat at all because of soccer practice and homework. He gulped down his water and shoved Cheetos into his mouth. He didn't care that Lance was watching. He didn't care if he looked unattractive. 

"Aw, someone's hungry," Lance chuckled, smiling widely. "I'm glad you like it. My mom makes it better, though. Maybe one day she'll make it for you."

"Y-you would let me come back?" Keith asked, shocked that after all he'd put Lance through, the alpha would allow him to return. 

"Of course! Why would you think otherwise?" Lance furrowed his eyebrows, taking the empty dishes away from Keith and setting them in the sink. 

"I dunno... I've given you a lot of trouble over the past few days..." Keith fidgeted with his fingers, picking at a loose thread on the gauze wrap on his right hand. His raven hair fell into his eyes as he kept his gaze from Lance. 

"I don't care how much trouble you give me. You can literally drag me through Hell and I won't care. You are always welcome here. No matter what," Lance came over to where Keith sat, standing in front of the omega. He lightly brushed his fingers against Keith's cheekbones, causing the seated male to look up, lips slightly parted. "Okay?"

Keith nodded, the butterflies in his stomach keeping him from speaking. He searches Lance's bright blue eyes for any chance of lies. He found none. For a fleeting moment, his eyes flicked to Lance's lips. Lance noticed and laughed softly. "Do my lips look lonely?" 

"A-ah! N-no... I'm sorry!" Keith stammered, face almost as red as his jacket. "I didn't mean-" Suddenly, Lance had his mouth pressed against Keith's. Surprised, Keith tensed, but after the first few seconds of shock, he relaxed, closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around Lance's slender neck. 

Lance hummed, the vibrations tickling Keith's lips. Lance's hands travelled down Keith's shoulders and sided, coming to a rest on his slim hips. Twirling a soft hazelnut curl around his finger, Keith tilted his head to deepen the kiss, feeling confident. Their kiss at the party paled in comparison to this one. This one was gentle and warm, making Keith feel safe for the first time in years. Lance tasted like mint chocolate chip ice-cream. 

Pulling away, Lance panted softly, breath fanning over Keith's face. "Keith..." The Cuban gasped, eyes glazed. 


"Will you be my boyfriend?" Lance's voice shook with nerves, making Keith smile. He hadn't thought of Lance as someone who would be anxious about this sort of thing. 

Quickly, Keith pecked Lance's lips, resting his forehead against the other's. "Does that count for an answer?"

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