Chapter Seventeen

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((Trigger Warning!! Bullying: physical, verbal))

Keith leaned against Lance as he limped down the hallway. His feet had mostly healed, but they still hurt. It had been a few days since Keith had been to school. Thankfully, Lance's mom had allowed him to stay. He felt bad for not being allowed to help with anything.

"I can carry my stuff. You don't have to do it, Lance," Keith protested as Lance grabbed his things from his locker.

"I know you can do it. You're my tough little honeybadger," Lance said, ruffling Keith's hair.

Keith huffed, crossing his arms. He looked away, blushing profusely. "Shut up."

Lance simply laughed, swinging Keith's backpack over his shoulder. "C'mon. I'll walk you to class."

Keith laced his fingers with Lance's, muttering under his breath. Lance smiled down at the omega, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. A grin appeared on Keith's lips as he looked up at Lance gratefully.

"Don't worry, baby. I've got you." He leaned down to kiss Keith's cheek, not caring who saw.

"I know," Keith replied, putting his weight on Lance as they walked to class.

"Oy! Lance! Keith!"

The two turned around to see who called them. Pidge jogged towards them, Hunk, Allura, and Romelle following close behind. Lance waved to them, beaming. Keith smiled slightly, giving a slight wave.

"H-hey, guys." He said, hoping they wouldn't say anything about him missing school.

"I'm glad you're back, Keith! We missed you," Pidge said, pushing up her glasses.

"Thanks," Keith said softly, blushing slightly. He partially hid his face in Lance's shoulder, still worried they were going to ask him about him missing school.

"Hey, Keith. I got your homework for you," Allura said, handing the omega a red folder. Keith took it, glad Allura was in the same classes as he was.


"You're welcome," Allura motioned to their interlocked hands. "I see you two finally got together."

"W-what?" Keith stammered, eyes wide and cheeks bright red.

"I mean no offense! I think it's cute that you two are together," laughed Allura, tilting her head.

"Aw. Thanks, 'Lu," Lance chuckled, nuzzling his face in Keith's hair affectionately.

Keith mumbled profanities under his breath, hiding his face completely in Lance's arm.

"You're so cute, Keith," Romelle giggled. "I would totally date you if neither of us were gay and taken."

"Um... Thanks?" He squeaked, embarrassed beyond belief. He kept his face in Lance's bicep, not wanting to face his friends with a red face.

"We're only teasing." Allura chuckled, brushing a strand of pure white hair out of her face. "But we should get to class before any of us get a detention."

She took Romelle's hand, lacing their fingers. The two girls said quick goodbyes before they walked down the hallway together, heads close. Keith smiled at the sight of them, glad neither of them were afraid to show who they loved. The omega knew he shouldn't be fearful of what could happen to him if he held Lance's hand in public, but he couldn't help it.

"They're right. We should get going." Hunk agreed, hiking his bag up further on his broad shoulders. "C'mon, Pidge."

"See you two dorks later!" Pidge cackled, jogging after the bigger male.

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