Chapter Five

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((Chapter Five! I am so thankful to all of you guys for reading and supporting my story. It shocked me, to say the least, when I opened up the app for the first time after two days and the views had basically doubled in number. You have NO idea how happy that makes me. And the few comments that have been posted make it even better! Thank you guys so much and happy reading! Oh, and trigger warning: alcoholism and mild physical abuse - Wolfie))

The driveway to Keith's house was empty, thankfully. That meant his dad had probably already gone out with his friends on their weekly bar spree. Every Friday his father would drive downtown to the pier and meet up with his friends so they could visit every bar, drinking until they couldn't see straight and end up passing out on a park bench. 

Keith parked his bike in the front of the garage, leaving his helmet clipped on the handlebars. His father lived on the outskirts of town, about five minutes away from any other buildings. Though small, the house was cozy with two bedrooms and one bathroom. Years ago, before Keith's mom had left, they had owned an assortment of farm animals. They had a cow, some chickens, two goats, a pig, three horses, and a sheep. Sometimes, on special occasions, his mother would make fresh scrambled eggs with homemade cheese and serve it with a glass of cold milk from their cow. They had also had a garden in the backyard at one point. All that remained were tangles of vines and broken trellises. Whenever Keith looked out his bedroom window he could see the brown garden. He knew that there had been better days in his house, but he couldn't remember most of them. He barely remembered his mother's face. The only things he did remember were the fights and the meals. 

"Nope! Stop it. Not thinking about that!" Keith scolded himself, slapping his palms onto his cheeks to clear his head. He took his keys and unlocked the door, scrunching up his nose at the smell of rancid alcohol that came in an unsettling warm wave out of the house. "Oh, boy. I get to clean up his mess."

He stomped up the stairs, not looking forward to having to clean up the entire house for his father. Every time he came back from practice or school, his dad expected him to clean and cook, not caring if his son had homework. "If I have to have an omega for a son, he's going to work like every omega should!" Was his dad's excuse for not cleaning the house. Keith tossed his bags onto the floor of his room, kicking off his boots. 

In contrast to his room at Shiro's, the walls had posters of bands, animes, and movies taped up all around, covering up the hideous orange color that he'd wanted to paint it when he was three. Though the walls had been decorated, mostly everything else had been moved over to his brother's apartment. He took off his jacket and gloves, shoving the bandanna up onto his head to keep his hair out of his eyes while he cleaned. He also changed into a pair of grey sweatpants that had been stained with paint over the years. 

Back downstairs, he had his phone plugged in to a speaker so he could watch movies while he cleaned. After a few minutes of scrolling through Netflix, he finally decided on restarting Supernatural for the fifteenth time. Pressing play, Keith started his chore in the kitchen. 


Three hours. Three hours of work and now the house was spotless. Everything in order and in its' proper place. He'd lugged at least five bags worth of trash down the road a few yards to the dumpster. He'd also gotten himself covered in warm beer and old pizza sauce. The only two rooms that Keith hadn't touched were his own and his dad's. He'd found out the hard way what would happen if he'd gone into his dad's room without permission when he was ten. All he'd wanted was to surprise his father with breakfast in bed for Father's Day. Instead what he got was ceramic slivers embedded in his feet and hands and severe burns on his forearms from the coffee that had been flung at him. It had taken half an hour for Shiro to get all of the chunks of ceramic out of Keith's skin, plus another to properly clean and dress the burns. 

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