Chapter Eighteen

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Keith fidgeted with his bangs, twisting the black strands between his fingers. He gnawed on his lower lip as he waited in front of the Daibazaal Cafe. He'd arrived early to ensure that he didn't make a bad impression after years of not seeing Lotor. He wore a pair of ripped black skinny jeans and a My Chemical Romance shirt underneath a red flannel, even though the temperature had easily broke ninetey. His maroon Doc Martins were laced tightly, something he did when he was nervous about something. A black bandanna with silver skulls wrapped around his neck. 

His phone chimed, startling him. He took it out of his pocket to see who texted him. A smile appeared on his face when he saw the text was from Lance. He opened the message quickly, wanting to see what Lance said. 

Lancey-Lance: Keeeeeeeith where are youuuuuuuuuu

Keith: I told you yesterday that I'm going to meet Lotor for lunch today

Lancey-Lance: Oh, right. If anything happens let me know, okay?

Keith: He's not gonna do anything, Lance. I've known him for years. It's just a way to catch up.

Lancey-Lance: I know, I'm just worried. After what happened earlier this week, I don't want you to get hurt again. 

Keith: I get it. And I appreciate it. But Lotor's a good guy. I promise. I'll be fine. You can even come to pick me up at around three if you want to make sure. Shiro dropped me off since he hasn't got my bike yet.

Lancey-Lance: Yeah! I'm sorry for being so overprotective. I don't want to be controlling... That's not my style

Keith: It's okay, baby. I'll see you at three, okay? <3

Lancey-Lance: Sounds good! <3333

Keith laughed at the text, shaking his head slightly. He turned off his phone and put it in his pocket. He looked up to see if Lotor had arrived yet. Gnawing on his lower lip, he bounced on his tiptoes to try and see a white head of hair among the foot traffic along the busy street.

"Keith! Hey, Keith!" A voice made him jump yet again, his heart beating faster. Spinning around on his heel, Keith turned to see who had spoken. In a tight lavender shirt and skinny jeans, Lotor walked up to the small omega. His long white hair was tied into a braid that fell over his shoulder. 

"H-hey, Lotor!" Keith squeaked, tucking his hair behind his ear.  

"I'm sorry for startling you. I didn't mean to," Lotor chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. 

"Oh, it's okay! I wasn't paying attention anyway." 

"You were always lost in that head of yours," Lotor said, ruffling Keith's hair playfully. Keith giggled, batting at Lotor's arm.

"No! I spent forever making sure my hair was perfect!" He whined, pouting slightly. 

"Your hair is always perfect," Lotor laughed. "C'mon. Let's get some coffee."

"O-okay!" Keith scampered after Lotor as he walked into the cafe. 

Lotor stepped into the short line in front of the barista. The rest of the customers seemed to shuffle away from the tall male. Keith snickered under his breath, knowing that underneath the intimidating outside was a teddy bear. With a smirk, Lotor turned to look down at Keith.


"Everybody is just kind of scared of you. Cuz you're so tall and muscular. And you have all those tattoos," Keith motioned to the sleeves of tattoos wrapping around Lotor's muscular arms. 

"Aw. Do you think I'm scary?" Lotor asked, pouting slightly. 

"What? No. You act tough, but you can't kill ants without feeling bad," Keith replied, moving forwards with the line. 

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