Clem x Amadeus wolfgeist

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Clem: sup nerddddd.(goofy laugh)

Amadeus: I am going to kill a redneck.

Clem took out a ghost gun.

Clem you forget. use radnecks love our guns.

Amadeus used his long arms to stretch and try to take the gun but he knocked it up as it fires the bullet it through both him and Clem killing them(again).

Luigi: hey guys I just wanted to-

The bullet went straight through luigi's heart.

Luigi: I'm hit am going to die!

AJ: calm down it's a ghost bullet it can't hurt living things.

Luigi: thank heavens. Knowing this book I was sure you gonna have me in alot of pain.

AJ: thanks for reminding me.

He sommoned a Bear to maul Luigi.

Luigi: me and a big mouth.

Mario and Luigi reaction to ships Aw Shit here we go again addition.Where stories live. Discover now