king Mcfright x serpci

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Mcfright: this means only one thing!

Serpci: I agree.

Mcfright: War!

Serpci: I thought of getting married so we can combine our kingdoms but war is far better than my plan.

As they matched off king Mcfright ran or flew to Luigi.

Mcfright: please suck up serpci that why they will have no leader when we go to war!

Serpci flew in.

Serpci: Luigi if you help me out you can be my pharaoh! Wait a minute.

Mcfright: you total stole my plan but without the non merry part.

Serpci: why you little hissss

AJ: why did you sound like a snake.

Serpci: shut up!

She got in to a fight with the ghostly knight king.

Mario: we seem to deal with alot of evil royalty.

Luigi: I just think it comes with the territory of being a hero or sidekick in my case.

Mario and Luigi reaction to ships Aw Shit here we go again addition.Where stories live. Discover now