Wario x Samus

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Samus: seriously.

AJ: yes.

She shot him.

Samus: I think I don't want to be a porn star anymore.

She left with a dead AJ on the ground and a naked Wario standing there.

Wario:.... Do I still get paid.

Mario: no. You have to have fuck her to get paid.

Wario: this is basically suicide but I must do what I must. For the gold.

He ran out as fast as he can to find Samus and have sex with here.

Luigi: does he know if we don't see it on camera he gets no money.

Mario: nope I just wanted to see him get his ass kicked.

He grabbed popcorn.

Mario: now come on let's-a-go

Mario and Luigi reaction to ships Aw Shit here we go again addition.Where stories live. Discover now