Antasma x princess shroob

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Mario: purple villan x purple villan.
All that means is that I have to kill a couple now.

AJ: you know you don't actually have to kill them.

Mario: killing villans is the only way.

AJ: I mean it's not but overall it is a good deed.

Mario: yes that's why Batman's thinking is flawed.

Luigi: why was Batman brought into this.

Mario: I don't know. He was the first person to come to my head when I through of heros who don't kill.

Batman: because I am Batman.

AJ: can't argue with that.

Mario: 💯% agree.

Luigi: where did you come from.

Batman was suddenly gone.

Mario: well he did have ninja training so not a surprise.

Mario and Luigi reaction to ships Aw Shit here we go again addition.Where stories live. Discover now