Bowser Jr. x omelette/eggette

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Bowser: you have a daughter!?

Eggman: no I have a niece. Wait! I have a niece!

AJ: it's fan made and somehow less cringy compared to others on the internet. They actually want her to be canon and they believe she can because Sega is working with the fans. Even thought as far as I know it was only for Sonic mania.

AJ said while eating pizza.

Mario: you son of-a bitch! You are the last slice!

He started to fight AJ.

Bowser: is your"niece" evil.

Eggman: yep it turns out she came from me being upside down in a boss fight. Hohohobo. And she seems to be a wiz with machines and is like around five or something.

Bowser:mmmmm I actually wouldn't mind my son dating a evil genius girl.

Eggman: they could be like us except they will spend more time together meaning they will have an easier time working with each other on evil plans in the future!

Bowser: so like use except a little better.

Eggman: eggxactly!

Bowser & Eggman: Hahohahohaho!

Eggman: let's set up a play date of evil!

Bowser: our children will rule the world! And make us proud!

They ran off.

Sonic: what the hell have we create.

Mario: we! It's AJ's fault.

AJ tried to talk but Mario's fist was in his mouth.

Sonic: well we will beat there kids like how we bet them.

FBI: do I really have to tell you what you did wrong.

Sonic: you will never catch me!

He ran away with a very City escape style get away.

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