booster x Valentina

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Wario: how come this tip off of me gets a girlfriend before me!

AJ: they are not--

Wario: shut it loser!

Mario: it's because you throw every girl you meet away as soon as you see money. You're first villan was a girl for Pete's sake.

Wario: so what you are saying is money is my girlfriend.

Mario: what no! I am-

Wario hit him out if the way and put the super crown on the coin Mario dropped.

Mario: my money.

Wario: haha you are poor.

The coun turned into a golden girl that can make endless money.

Coinette: Wario my love.

Wario: infinite money and a hot girlfriend now that's what I am talking about.

Mario: some people are the lucky ones.

Coinette was killed.

Mona: that's my man.

Wario: Nooooooo!

Mario,Luigi, and AJ was left laughing at his misery.

Mario and Luigi reaction to ships Aw Shit here we go again addition.Where stories live. Discover now