Mario x Meggy

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Mario: should this even count. It's not actually me so he is technically not a Mario character. Neither is Meggy.

AJ: correct but someone asked for this and so I did it.

Smg4 Mario: pingas!

Mario: you know I think Meggy is a teenager and smg4 Mario is like 40.

FBI: but your hands up.

Smg4 Mario: wait I still need to eat my spaghetti!

They took him away before he could eat it

Mario: maybe I could

AJ: Don't.

Mario ate the spaghetti. Which caused smg4 Mario to kick the FBI's ass and Chase after Mario.

Smg4: Mario get back here. You little shit.

After an hour of running smg4 Mario fell asleep because he was tired. To make sure he got rid of him Mario threw him on a cruise ship which instantly sank.

Mario: how heavy is this guy.

Mario and Luigi reaction to ships Aw Shit here we go again addition.Where stories live. Discover now