toadette x Wendy

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Wendy and toadette where looking at each other in anger they got into a argument about who could get a better boy friend. And now they where on a double date one with the Mario Bros Mario with Wendy and Luigi with toadette. The tension was so thick between the two of them it could literally be cut with a knife which is what Mario did. And he but it on his plate.

Mario: It's about time a taste what tension.

Wendy: oh dear boyfriend tell use of how great you are to prove toadette that I got a better boyfriend.

Mario: why did I agree to this.

Wendy: I said it would annoy daddy.

Mario: right well you already know I am the hero and main character.

Wendy: beat that!

Toadette: my boyfriend is one of the most popular and loved characters in the series and he as a personality unlike Mario.

Luigi: toadette I don't think we should be

She kissed him on the lips to make him shut up. Luigi blushed madly.

Wendy: we can do that too.

She kissed Mario one the lips.

Mario: enough of this it is not even worth it just to annoy Bowser. He tried to get up but Wendy sat him back down.

Luigi: this is getting a little to much for me. I think I should go.

Toadette hugged him to stop him from moving.

Toadette: luigi you promised.

Mario: what did she offer you.

Luigi: nothing I just wanted to be nice.

Mario: well I am not dealing with this.

He took out a bow and arrow with a heart at the end. Mario and Luigi where shown walking out while toadette and Wendy where kissing each other.

Mario: all well that ends well.

Luigi: toadette was actually cute and fun to date to be honest.

Mario and Luigi reaction to ships Aw Shit here we go again addition.Where stories live. Discover now