Geno x Mario

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Mario: I don't want a sex doll.

AJ: but you just ordered one.

Mario: the one I ordered looks female. Because you know I am not gay.

AJ:X to doubt.

Mario: I like peach.

AJ: in the first book you had a little crush on Bowser. So you are bi and what is wrong with a star child liking a star worrier.

The heard something and looked out side. Geno was getting arrested.

Geno: I was not dating a star child I wasn't even on a date. And all because star child is just a name for the 7 chosen ones they can be adults like Mario please!

And he was taking away.

AJ: man they work so fast that I didn't have time to make you two meet before the arrest.

Mario and Luigi reaction to ships Aw Shit here we go again addition.Where stories live. Discover now