Luigi x protection squad

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Luigi: what I don't get it.

AJ: just something random I found on the internet. With people having smash Bros characters defined you or something like that.

Luigi: who in smash Bros would do that.

AJ:it may be the internets headcannons but. Mario, Daisy, Yoshi

Luigi: makes sense

AJ: Sonic

Luigi: he is nice so it's believable.

AJ: snake, pit

Luigi: I feel like that came from them defending me when talking to there friends in smash.

AJ: yes now let me finish. Dr. Mario

Luigi: literally the same person as Mario.

AJ: Kirby

Luigi: believable

AJ: ness, Jigglypuff, captain falcon, because they are the original four unlocks in 64 with you.

Luigi: personal think that is a dumb reason

AJ: king Dedede

Luigi: subspace

AJ: you seem to know but let me finish, Simon and Richter Belmont

Luigi: I bet it was because of that reaper incident from the trailer.

AJ: yes oh and how can I forget Ken.

Luigi: okay that one I don't know why him.

AJ: because you two are the original echoes.

Luigi turned into green Mario.

Luigi: I don't see it.

He turned back.

AJ: what do you think of this.

Luigi: I think it is nice to know I have people who care about me. Even though I don't think I need a protection squad and some reason to join seems to be a stretch I am happy that they care enough to do that. Makes me feel a little more important.

Mario came in with sunglasses. And a green shirt that said Luigi protection squad founder.

Mario: just to let you know I am the founder.

Daisy: jokes on you.

She pointed at her shirt that said Luigi protection squad president.

Every one AJ named was behind her with green shirts with Luigi protection squad on it. Luigi shed some tears

AJ: also a few OC's and fans.

Luigi flipped the table.

Luigi: you ruined it I am out fuck off.

Mario: do you think his hate for OCs and fans is justified.

AJ: as long as I am only using it for jokes it is not at all justified. He secretly likes that fans care enough to do all these crazy things for him. And I forgotten to tell him there where Mario characters I seen people make headcannons for to be part of Luigi's protection squad, like Bowser

Mario: WTF

AJ: Pikachu,Link, dark pit, Lucina, sheik and more that I don't feel like hunting down to know.

Mario: I am starting to question why I made this group if people like Bowser can join.

Mario and Luigi reaction to ships Aw Shit here we go again addition.Where stories live. Discover now