Chapter nineteen

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Auroras prov.

Bracing my self for battle, what I wasn't expecting was to see Olive unconscious getting dragged into here.

"Look Aurora I know your out of your bindings, but lets make a deal, okay?" Terry asked me, I shot her daggers and she laughed amused.

"Of course, you wouldn't want Oliver dying now would you?" She cackled.

"What's the deal?" I growled out at her, she laughed even more putting Oliver on a couch on the opposite side of the room.

"Since your a goddess, the goddess of demons to be exact I want you to let me summon all the demons I want so I can destroy camp and in return I let you go with this half human by your side not dead." Terry didn't have a moments doubt when she told me what she wanted, I didn't either.

What's with people calling me the goddess of demons?

"Okay, let Oliver live." I told her, she smiled and walked over to the cyclops then turned towards me.

"Aurora don't do it." Oliver's voice reached my ears, I ran towards him and grabbed his hand hoping he would live.

"To late I made the deal." I whispered to him, tears running down my face as I held his hand.

"Yes she did Oliver, and Aurora if you don't mind I need you to summon a monster for me." Terry spat at us.

"Don't do it, let me die." Oliver whispered holding my hand back, I kissed his hand and held it closer to me.

"Terry I do as you wish just this once, I summon your demon but their is a catch I am the goddess of demons and you are the demon I have summoned." I told her, her smirk changed to pure horror once I spoke that incantation.

Honestly i have no clue where it came from, it just randomly popped in my head.

"And as the goddess of demons I condemn your soul to Hades kingdom, for a demon should not be amongst the living!" I shouted, she screamed out in pain before there was a flash of light and then she was gone I turned towards Oliver he looked like he was asleep.

I mentally cursed in Ancient Greek, as I checked his pulse and temperature he was healthy if not healthier.

Picking him up in my arms, I walked towards the wall and stepped threw it when the Hecate cabin all turned to me at once I felt my self feeling like I was burning.

Running towards the infirmary with Chiron now on my tail, as soon as I entered Oliver's brothers and sisters rushed over to him after 10 minutes of waiting one of them finally came to me.

"Aurora, Oliver's birthday is today and well it's two minutes tell mid night." Oliver's sister Mag told me, I rushed in every Apollo child working on Oliver stared at me.

"Out." I commanded they followed my orders and I rushed over to Oliver, unsure of what to do.

Pink flashed in my line of vision and I looked up at Aphrodite, she was frowning at me.

"What do I do?" I asked her, she sighed as if it was obvious.

"Kiss him, my child." Aphrodite told me, I looked over at Oliver he seemed so peaceful and it was a minute tell mid night.

With out a moment of thought I crushed my lips to his, butterfly's seemed to erupt in my stomach an a tingly sensation flowed threw out my body.

Then a miracle happened, Oliver kissed me back sitting us in a up right position slowly. He put his arms around my waist bringing me closer to him and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

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