Chapter Two

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I woke up to the horse making its communication sound, I looked up to see there was a camp in the distance.

If you looked harder at the camp you could see a force field protecting it, some reason this made a smile reach up on my lips.

"Zeus." I chuckled involuntary, I covered up my mouth as soon as the Greek gods name came out and sent a shiver down my spine I mentally cursed my self.

I refocused on the shore which I was coming upon and started to see kids around my age (which is 15) and some younger and older, they didn't look to happy either some had swords others had bows pointed at me with confidence.

When Poseidon's horse reached the shore with me on it unharmed a boy around 18 came towards me, I jumped off the horse and extended my hand. Some people jumped at my action making me smirk, he took it and something told me he was related to me.

"Hello I am Percy, son of Poseidon god of the sea." He told me shaking my hand and then letting it go.

"I am Aurora, and your father let me borrow his horse he's nice." I told him, some people chuckled at me, others still stared until a man that was half horse came up with a man trying to drink whine but it turned to water.

"Aurora it is, nice to meet you I am Chiron and this is Mr.D we are the camp instructors." Chiron told me, I quickly thought about the letter.

"I have a note from my dad." I told him reaching into my pocket pulling it out, Chiron took it from me and read it then gave it to Mr.D for him to examine.

"I don't know that gods hand writing." Mr.D spoke, and then looked at me unpleased.

"Aurora until we know who your godly parent is and why they sent you on a sea horse, you will be staying in the Hermes cabin." Chiron told me, not a second later lightning hit the force field next to me I jumped and so did everyone else.

"And looks like Zeus is not a fan of you, looks like we have something in common." Mr.D joked, I nodded my head and followed Chiron and Mr.D.

Once we reached the Hermes cabin two boys were waiting for us, they looked like twins.

"Travis, Connor. Settle this one in, then take her to go get her weapon and then dinner." Chiron told the two boys they nodded, then one grabbed my arm and yanked me in the cabin.

I could tell Hermes liked having kids, just looking around the place looked like a million people lived in here.

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